
Calendar of Russian folk will - April 6 (March 24 Old Style)

And day Zechariah Artemon. On this day, farmers cleared the house and yard from evil spirits, lit bonfires for courtyards, bypassed the hut circles. Can not stand the devils even mentioning the name of Zacharias Postnik and flee from the place where they honor the memory of the mighty Spirit of the monk. Prayers were preparing themselves for the Day of Good News. Earlier conflict with Midnight was not allowed into the church. Says to the righteous deeds primarily to clean yourself, then you can enter the temple of God, to communion with the Lord. Tomorrow, all this not only once, and you can not do. Indeed, in the Annunciation of any, even the most trifling work was considered a great sin.
The weather is at this time is warm, snow melts, but because the roads deteriorate and peel crust from the sled runners. Take notice: if the night heat, and the spring will be united. On the eve of the great feast of the Annunciation for travelers in the evening on the outskirts lit bonfires, showing them the way to the church. All Orthodox Christians went to vespers. The churches in this day blessed seed of the church.

reference to the original

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April 9 (March 27 Old Style)