

In 1943, after the victory at Stalingrad in the Gorky automobile plant on behalf of the Molotov began work on a new car. And it was not a truck or tractor for the guns, and it was not even an ambulance. It was a passenger car. On sketches by the artist Benjamin Samoilova made plaster models of the future car on a scale of 1:5, and for the most successful model - the layout of mahogany in natural size. Even after the bombings of 1943, when gas was on the verge of stopping work on the car was not interrupted. The first prototype was ready on Nov. 6, 1944. Stalin inspected the new car June 19, 1944. After its approval, the first batch of cars were put into production. After the release of the first 700 "Wins" defects are detected one after another. The design of the silencer was unsuccessful, the body sometimes cave in, sit down springs.Second attemptModernization of the vehicle was made directly during production. For the Soviet military, which used "victory" in Western Europe, was to reduce the thickness of five centimeters of rear seat - otherwise they could not ride in the car without removing papahi.Odnako machine design was so successful that many foreign firms have begun to copy the non-standard technical solutions and the British company "Standard" simply copied it. In this machine were first implemented technical innovations that have become standard in modern cars. It was on "Victory" appeared electrical indicators and brake lights. For the first time a car appeared, electric windshield wipers. In all previous Soviet cars 'windshield wipers' were mechanical or pneumatic and speed of their work depended on the speed of the machine. The driver (and passengers), this machine was able to ride without boots and sheepskin coat and carry a bag of salt to clean the glass - the car was stove. On the background of such celebrations comfort of a nice little things like the ceiling interior lighting, we can no longer speak. However, the novelty of the technical solutions were not the only advantage of the "Victory". This car was a symbol of victory of the Red Army in WWII. In addition, it was one of the first cars available (subject to certain restrictions), the average consumer. In the former Soviet motor show in Moscow could choose between the "Moskvich-401" (9,000 rubles), "Victory" (16000) and the breathtakingly expensive "ZIMom (40,000). That is, these machines can be rented at first appears hire. And the problem was solved by repairing the vehicle at that time is very simple - the owner of the machines go haywire drove her to the car repair plant, and paying a small amount was able to choose a favorite car out of it is already repaired. New modelIn 1955, a new modification of "Victory". It has been upgraded so that she was given a new name - Gaz M20V. Outwardly, this model is the modified radiator grille - she began to look more massive, in accordance with the tendencies of automotive fashion of those times. Changed the sign on the nose automobile car - he has removed from the hood the car for free over the Meso grille.Inside the cabin, too, has changed - it appeared at that time unheard of standard equipment - radio. Such machines today survived the most, and now the word "victory" is meant generally GAS M20V. For playboyAlso in 1955 there was unprecedented at the time the event - in the Soviet Union has released the first machine for entertainment. Convertible at all times for the Soviet people was a sign of an easy life and inappropriate behavior that is incompatible with the moral character of the builder of communism. Therefore, although there were many open cars - Spoils of World War II, Issue Convertible was possible only in these light years - the time of Khrushchev's "thaw".
Then, this machine has become an integral feature of the representatives of the "golden youth" - children of party officials, prominent scientists and leaders of trade. I recall the line of "Monday begins on Saturday:" ... the boys looking after me, shouting: "Hipsters, legged, Daddy's" Victory "..." Fifteen years later, a car has become a "penny" - the first model Zhiguli "possession of which also became a sign of a certain social status. But behind the external idleness car were the original technical solutions. evolved only the upper part of the roof and sides were tough - the designers were afraid to weaken the body. Moreover, it imposed additional reinforcing elements. Despite it potyazhelela machine slightly - only 35 kilograms. tarpaulin top badly affected the aerodynamics - Compared with the usual "Victory", has smoothly through the roof trailing a good aerodynamic drag coefficient is much increased. Due to this, the maximum speed of the car dropped to 100 km / h, while fuel consumption grew to 11.5 liters per 100 kilometers. It's time to development of virgin lands, and the designers of GAZ carried out a new social order - combined the "Victory" to have issues (and had the same engine) GAZ-69.Thus came on stage the world's first comfort SUV GAZ-M72. Even then, the envy of Ford and General Motors, a car "for the village was not worse, than a representative vehicle. Now an ordinary farm chairman went with the same comfort as the top Soviet voennachalniki. With the availability of spare parts from the "goat" GAZ-69, such machines and still live in villages, engaged in heavy peasant labor. So you got out of his "Pajero", "Land Cruiser" or the "Hummer", remember that SUVs (in the modern sense) in Russia started with the M72.What's next?The story did not end machines. Even before 1971 in Poland on sovestkoy license released a slightly modified "victory" under the name "Warsaw". And according to rumors, even in the eighties of the Chinese comrades to release "Victory". For themselves. Painfully good car ...