
Ivan Shemyakin

Born Ivan Shemyakin 3rd September 1877 in a village near Moscow Peredelitsy. Father Basil Nikitich died early, and the family in search of work moved to St. Petersburg to distant relatives. Here is what about this period in the Journal of Hercules himself, Ivan Vasilyevich: "our family lived in Petersburg, and all of a hump to earn their bread. People of all was a large, tall - in me 2 feet of 13 inches (this is nearly 2 meters of growth P . C.), and I almost most diminutive of us. He studied at the copper coins in the urban school. Then I started working with his brother, he was a mechanic, electrician. "
Fascination with the circus began with fifteen years. Once infested with the money, went to Ivan to the circus, took tickets to the gallery and, with bated breath, looked at the performance of the legendary Russian strongman Paul Stupin perpetuated Kustodiev artist in the film "Carnival". Stupin was tall, spoke in peasant costume. Wore on his horse, fought with the bear, tearing the chain broke a horseshoe. Later, Ivan saw the performances of other famous athletes: Emil Foss, Russo brothers. And so he wanted to be like these extraordinary people!

Shemyakin started training. At first, their own - with weights and heavy metal blanks that have been in the studio. Then he came to the Admiralty gymnastic society, where we worked only in gymnastics. Alas, here, Ivan did not go exercises on the equipment, so it was very long and heavy. But once came to class IV Lebedev, while already quite famous in the world of sports athlete and the best student of Dr. Krajewski. Over the years, "Uncle Vanya" - is affectionately called the man from Moscow, made a huge contribution to the development of athletics as an organizer of various tournaments, the founder of the school's athletic, editor in chief of Hercules and the author of the first Russian textbook on athleticism, "Weightlifting" and the book "Power and Health. Lebedev immediately drew attention to the Shemyakin and invited him to engage in a mug with the famous Dr. Krajewski.
In the first lesson, Ivan was able to push the rod with both hands just 72 pounds, but it did not bother him. He began to train hard. At that time he worked at the Shemyakin Nikolaev railway workers in the wagon shop, and then the conductor. Here is what he remembered about that period: "Every now and then skating St. Petersburg - Moscow and back. How Parking in Moscow, I go to Moscow athletic arena Baron Kister do. At that time in Moscow was the time of flowering of weightlifting. Then the Muscovites were cut on records from St. Petersburg. Sometimes, I come to the arena to Kistoru and all the teasing Muscovites that our higher up. "

In turn, Lebedev Shemyakin recalls: "From a long-predlinnogo boys Shemyakin was already formed in the addition of the colossus, which see it now."
And then in 1899 in St Michael's arena in contests Cycling, Athletic Society giryam he wins the first prize, and then a third - the championship of Russia. These successes are inspiring Shemyakin, and he decides to become a professional athlete. Krajewski endorses his rush and gives the ball barbell and some weights. Here, the props and began performing on stage Shemyakin. He lifted weights, pressed-pound weights on his little finger, juggling them, kept on his swing with ten men.

He did not have to be a circus performer. Soon they took the army in the Life Guards regiment of the Transfiguration, in which only served tall, physically strong guys. One day - it was in 1902 - received a leave pass Shemyakin. Dressed in civilian clothes (the lower ranks to attend public schools were not allowed to), went to Michael's Arena, which hosted the championship of the French struggle with celebrities Gakkenshmidta. "The Russian Lion" in the evening had to fight with Troussov, but he fell ill and the administration does not know what to do.
Among the organizers of this meeting was Lebedev. He noticed the Shemyakin and invited Ivan to go against Gakkenshmidta. About this story Shemyakin telling way: "They offered me a fight Gakkenshmidtom. First of all, a dozen of the output for the soldier - a good thing, and secondly, I decided Gakkenshmidta" try. "To not know me officers Preobrazhensky, Lebedev in comradely my hair smeared with burnt cork black, and painted a mustache and sideburns. I went out onto the stage and was stunned: just me, my company commander in the focus of the lodge look. How much I'm on both blades flew off and did not remember. "Thurman flew me from the stage , grabbed someone's civilian coat and run ... and in the regiment, I got thirty days of arrest. passed, though I'm so confused that just poked my head into the painted face Gakkenshmidta, and he soon became as black as a nigger. "

After graduating in 1904, military service, Shemyakin started working athlete in Chinizelli (director of the St. Petersburg Circus). His performances have enjoyed enormous success. Along with athletic drills, he was engaged in the struggle, and soon became one of the strongest fighters of Russia. Shemyakin offered a contract for performances in Europe and America. He agreed and went on tour. He spoke with the athletic rooms, and won on the carpet of many fighters from around the world. Madrid's French championship fight in 1907, won first prize, and then in Düsseldorf, has won first place and won the world title. After a triumphant tour of Shemyakin returned to Russia. Now he has been particularly active advocates with a demonstration of athletic rooms.
Here's how the magazine "Hercules" describes one of his speech. "Benefit Shemyakin brought us a full circus audiences. Beneficiaries worked with weights, worn on the scene six people and finally drove the cart with 20 passengers."

In 1908, in St. Petersburg, Shemyakin showed a unique power number - on his arm bent metal beams.
By that time the tradition of the French participants of the tournament against the last day performed in beauty contests of athletic build. This test is invariably aroused keen interest among the public and held in a relaxed and democratic atmosphere. The jury was invited journalists, as well as several spectators. Contestants competed for posing in the "game of the muscles, the power of biceps and abdominal muscles. Sometimes participants acted out scenes from ancient life. At these competitions are usually won Konstantin Stepanov, who for the beauty and artistry of figure called "Apollo XX century." But ripped the applause and Shemyakin, who also had a beautiful figure.

It is worth noting that from now on Shemyakin appears only in Russia. Here's how he wrote in his memoirs of this period: "In 1908 I came to St. Petersburg to my former teacher, IV Lebedev, and stayed in Russia. Native northern climate has given me a lot of new forces, and I finally went into athletic "shape." And do not pull me over the border. The only want to see with one eye at a bullfight in Madrid, but both come out on the porch of his house, sit on the steps and could not help myself say: "No Longer poryskal the wide light, but still better than at home, you was not there. I'm nowhere abroad will not go. "
In 1913, participating in the World Championships, held in St. Petersburg Circus "Modern", Ivan Shemyakin won the famous Ivan Zaikin, and powerful, evil on the carpet, Nicholas Vahturova and won first place.

In 1916, Shemyakin was drafted into the army. He was wounded in the leg. After treatment, went to Poltava, was strenuously train and re-acquired the former strength and agility. Participates in the tournament against the French, stands with athletic rooms. Many fighters with world-renowned won Shemyakin, but meeting with Ivan Poddubny always ended in a draw.
This champion to join the circus until 1941. Conducted coaching, lecturing on physical development in clubs. Until the last days Shemyakin possessed great physical strength and athletic training did not stop.

Son of the famous strongman Yakub Chekhov, Daniel Y., well acquainted Shemyakin and last visited him in Poltava in 1952, wrote: "In the fall, returning from the Crimea, my family and I drove to Poltava to visit Ivan Vasilyevich. Two days passed quickly. Shemyakin recalled of past battles on the mat, youth, and friends. Hitherto deals with dumbbells and free weights. is engaged and the system Anokhin.
He was cheerful and energetic. "Despite high growth and a lot of weight, the Shemyakin was a beautiful figure, he was agile in combat, and most difficult athletic facilities is easy and elegant.
Among the numerous rewards for victory on the carpet at the Shemyakin, there are two interesting reward for athletic records: one - a medal named "Father of the Russian athletics," Dr. W. Krajewski and others - the name of the writer and the oldest Russian athlete V. Gilyarovskogo.

Shemyakin died in 1952. (Graves was not preserved. His skeleton, he bequeathed Poltava medical institution for scientific research.)
Ivan Shemyakin - an outstanding Russian professional athlete and wrestler. We must never forget that!

Ivan Shemyakin, anthropometric data:
- Growth of 199.5 cm (some references give 188 cm, but it's the wrong metric translation PS)
- Weight 120 kg
- Neck 46 cm
- Biceps 49 cm
- Chest 134 cm
- Hip 73 cm
- Leg 46 cm