
Signs at the cemetery

How to visit the cemetery, signs and directions.Cemetery - a special place, it requires respect for yourself by visiting the cemetery to follow signs and of the Council observed many centuries
When visiting a cemetery, it is first necessary to insure against the possible negative programs, you must follow certain rules and signs. They are simple to remember them no problem and everyone should know about them.Visit the cemetery should be only in the afternoon.Included in the limits of the cemetery only need sober.You can not enjoy seeing the graves of his enemies and detractors.Cemeteries do not discuss problems related to his personal life, family and children.From the cemetery you can not take anything with them (eg a branch from a tree, a flower from a grave, etc.) With these things you can transfer to a negative energy.At the cemetery, do not believe money and not someone they do not give.Do not include radio, tape recorders, do not use mobile phones, do not laugh, do not swear.In the cemetery go the same route that ran when you enter.After you visit the cemetery, be sure to wash your hands and rinse your face with water outside (you can take water with you, if there are no columns or the spring.

In the villages, Orthodox Christians buried their loved ones in the parish cemetery. Each village schismatic ringleader its own cemetery. The church has always struggled with the separation. But conservatives have found all sorts of ways to divide the territory of the Orthodox and to prevent its cemetery, "pinch-nicks, udavlennikov, Opoitsev, unbaptized." If it was not possible to arrange a separate cemetery, taps on the total territory of the special section, which carefully fenced.For city dwellers a place in the cemetery was given to the city, but in the villages, these cemeteries were held at temples.Drowning and suicide were not buried in cemeteries. Was the belief that if the cemetery to bury the drowned or udavlennika (suicide), then the entire edge of disaster befalls. Therefore, in the old days the people given in the excitement of misfortune, such as crop failure, pestilence, epidemics, Raked the dead from the grave.Sudden death in the street, dead on the road were buried in a squalid house. Squalid houses were not only in Moscow but also in other cities. They also buried the outcasts, who were considered unworthy of the cemetery. Thieves, thieves who were executed as suicide bombers, were buried in fields or woods.
Squalid house

Squalid house ubozhnitsey or almshouse, called home for cripples, and skudelnyu where dead bodies were brought pilgrims, drowned, killed on the road. The corpses were placed in a common grave, praying over it Dmitriev Saturday (last Saturday before Carnival).
At the end of the XVI century in the winter time the Slavs did not bury their dead and put them in the house, built in the suburbs or the city, which was called Bozhedom, or God's house. There are dead bodies superimposed on each other like firewood in the forest, and the frost becomes hard as stone. In the spring when the ice melts, the relatives of the dead man betrayed his body to the ground.

Поминальными днями считают: вторник на второй неделе Пасхи (Радуница), суббота перед Троицей и суббота между первым и восьмым ноября (Дмитриевская суббота). Кроме того, усопших поминают в девятый, двадцатый и сороковой день после смерти. Затем в полгода и год. Считают, что покойник ждет поминок тридцать лет. Принято поминать приходом на могилу и поминальным обедом в кругу близких и друзей. Обязательные блюда: кисель, блины, мед, кутья. На поминки души денег, по возможности, не жалеют. Поминают, как и хоронят, только до захода солнца.
With many caveats related to the cemetery, some of them should be especially heeded.
Do not use for cleaning the cemetery rags of old clothes, or illness and even death to fall upon the former owner.
Obryazhaya dead, do not put things on it owned by you or your loved ones (shoes, socks, gowns, etc.). I hope you understand why.
Some at the funeral put money into the coffin or throw coins in the coffin. Deceased do not need money, but its prosperity you forget. Maybe the money will not disappear completely, but the "ooze" mediocre and no one knows what - just be. Plus, you'll be sick, and the disease will be difficult to treat.
Do not forget to cut the rope before burial, tightening his arms and legs late to avoid another death in the family. If you forget, try on the next funeral, with the consent of the relatives of the deceased, put scissors in his coffin with the words: "Cut the shackles on such a (name)".
Do not make any payments to the cemetery (with the staff of the machines, etc.) - this is big trouble for your future income. Better do it outside the gates of the cemetery.
Make sure that after the sinking of the coffin, when all throw a handful of land, no one threw her under your feet by accident or, even worse, on purpose. All of this disease is severe and maloizlechimye.
Make sure that water, which washed the corpse was poured under a tree on the street, soap - destroyed in the fire, ropes and towels must remain in the ground.
Do not go the way of the funeral procession (to be a tumor).
Blood relatives of the deceased can not carry the coffin.
The coffin is undesirable to carry on his car, it's better to hire a special, because you do not want you to come upon the unpleasant incident.