
Wedding omens and superstitions.

Wedding omens and superstitions.The roots of the wedding will go off in those days, when people are wary of that, and it means that you can still change. Try to make life beautiful with his hands. So, going to the registry office, check with the wedding signs, just like that, just in case!Folk omens for the timing of the year, month and day of the wedding.Many people ask themselves when to marry? How to choose a wedding date? The best time for the wedding? To these questions there is no single answer, it all depends on you. But if you still want to somehow be determined, then here are some folk omens associated with the wedding:If the wedding took place on 13 th day, then the marriage will be unhappy, and if 3, 5, 7, 9, happy.More successful are marriages in the afternoon.Misfortune to befall a young couple, who announced the upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year, and culminates at the beginning of the next.Unfavorable days for marriage are Wednesday and Friday.It is interesting, but the fact that the month of May of statements filed significantly less than other warm months of the year, and all because of the wedding signs that "life will languish."Wedding omens and superstitions in the winter.In snowy day wedding - to a wealthy, prosperous life, if your wedding day a strong wind - the life of the young will be windy.If the wedding is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday, so the house is always plenty to be cheerful and life.If your wedding day a hard frost hits, it means that the firstborn is a boy strong and healthy. Long live winter wedding!Month for weddings:December - the eternal feeling of love the couple.January - early widowhood.February - living in perfect harmony.
Wedding superstitions and signs of spring.If, during the marriage was a sunny day, and suddenly it began to rain - to be a young family rich.If during a wedding or a thunderstorm breaks out the storm, so be unfortunate.In snowy day wedding - to a wealthy, prosperous life, if your wedding day a strong wind - the life of the young will be windy.If your wedding day a hard frost hits, it means that the firstborn is a boy strong and healthy.Month for weddings:March - a new residence.April - happiness and misery - equally.May - maeta for life.
Wedding omens and superstitions in the summer.If, during the marriage was a sunny day, and suddenly it began to rain - to be a young family rich.If during a wedding or a thunderstorm breaks out the storm, so be unfortunate.Month for weddings:June - the eternal love between spouses.July - sorry about the hasty marriage.August - peace and devotion of both parties.Wedding superstitions and signs of autumn.If, during the marriage was a sunny day, and suddenly it began to rain - to be a young family rich.If during a wedding or a thunderstorm breaks out the storm, so be unfortunate.In snowy day wedding - to a wealthy, prosperous life, if your wedding day a strong wind - the life of the young will be windy.If your wedding day a hard frost hits, it means that the firstborn is a boy strong and healthy.Month for weddings:September - a quiet family life.October - a lot of difficulties on the path to happiness.November - material abundance.
This is interesting ...As strange as it sounds, but to marry the best in the rain. It is known that the water clears, so you will be protected from the negative energy of his enemies, if this can get to the celebration. And maybe they did not come because of bad weather. Thus, we can verify who you are really expensive.Unexpected rain, snow or blizzard on their wedding day - to the wealth and well-being for young families.And yet young adopted showering sweets and small coins. This is the most hygienic and harmless to their outfits a modern version of an ancient tradition. In the old days it was done during the entire wedding day three times: before the wedding the young showered with hops, on leaving the church hops and millet, sometimes with the addition of sweets; on the doorstep, at a meeting - barley, oats, flax, hops and coins.There is another tradition of walking - to produce at will a pair of white doves. She also has a feature that is sometimes forgotten, because the action is in itself very beautiful. So, should not forget to tie the pigeons at the foot ribbons - blue and pink. By the way, what the pigeon will fly higher, you can <like> to find out who was the first born in your family - a boy or a girl.Wedding omen when choosing attire or dress.Wedding dress a must-sew or to buy: take your friends, girlfriends, mothers, aunts and future mother in law is strictly prohibited. Want to save now - then life does not come out of debt. I advise you to remember - a wedding is not the point in life, which is worth the money to spare. Oh, and dress before the wedding the groom does not show sees - and all life will swear on trifles.That marriage was successful, the bride should wear something old, something new, something borrowed or rented, and something blue.Wedding dress, rings, veils, shoes should not be given to measure any girlfriends or sisters, either before or after the wedding (to quarrels in the family).Wedding rings.Wedding rings are choosing young together, and pays for them groom. In our time, the ring may be completely different: the twisted, patterned, with precious stones. There is only one condition - the ring should be made of yellow or white gold. If you still want to ring with a stone, remember:Amethyst is the symbol of sincerity,Carnelian brings good luck,Agate - longevity,Garnet and topaz - loyalty.But with love, just wondering: if you want to be loved passionately - the ring should be a ruby, if crave happy love - is the emerald, and if the hope for eternal love, then be sure to select a diamond. Here and decide what matters to you. At the bride on her wedding day should not be anything gold, except for a wedding ring. And God forbid you from having to drop the ring during the wedding ceremony.According savdebnym will receive its first on the mat for a signature should step into the bride, and in a moment, stepped to the groom's foot. This must be done as if by accident, and then the husband will listen to you all my life.
Omens and superstitions engagement ring.Wedding rings are necessarily smooth (classical), but not pretentious, with stones, grooved - then and married life will be smooth.If you drop your wedding ring before they put on a finger - a bad omen to the separation. If you do drop the ring, then it pass through a thread, which should be harvested before witnessed, and which brings in a bad omen. After that the ring can be worn. Thread after the registration you need to burn, saying: "burn a fire all my woes and sorrows." Burns thread whoever dropped the ring.Can not be on the wedding day to wear a ring on his hand, except for a wedding.If you have newlyweds massive wedding ring - for wealth, prosperity.Bride should not take an empty box from under the ring after her fiance wore a wedding ring. Usually it takes the bride's friend, wishing to get married soon. It is believed that the girl who takes a box out from under the wedding rings, will marry next.Wedding omens and superstitions.Before the newlyweds to enter the house, under the threshold lay unlocked door. Once entered - the lock being locked and thrown away. Castle and actions with lock and key in the family is given a special place of magic. On the one hand, the castle - a powerful talisman of family happiness, on the other - a strong weapon in the hands of a sorcerer.Father-in-law met the young home bread and salt. Who among the young, without using their hands bitten off more piece that will prevail in the family. Funny sign, invented, rather, to raise merry mood. But the practice - to meet with bread and salt - the ancient. Bread - a powerful talisman against evil forces.Bridal wreath can not be disposed of. During the wedding ceremony a wreath was a talisman, as earlier in his intertwined oberegovye plants such as basil. That is why you can not throw a wreath, as should be disposed of Ward.