
Meat snacks and salads

Smoked tongue
 Language smoked wash, cover with cold water and cook at low boil until cooked, remove the skin, cool in cold water, take out, to give a little dry off, cut into thin slices. Serve with sour cream horseradish sauce (see Sauces).100 g smoked tongue.

Smoked ham boiled

 Boiled ham, or ham roll clean up from skin and bones and cut into thin slices. Serve with horseradish sauce and sour cream.100 g of ham or ham.

Stuffed pig (rolyada)

 Pig singe, wash well, make an incision on the chest and remove the entire skin, cut meat from bones, subtly discourage and put an even layer across the skin. Ham and bacon cut into narrow, long strips, from eggs to cook an omelet and cut into similar strips. On the decomposition of flesh on the skin, starting from the edge, put in long strips of ham, near a strip of bacon, then a strip of gherkins (small cucumbers pickled), striped omelet in the same manner to put another one strip of bacon, ham, pickles and an omelette, top sprinkle with scalded peeled nuts. Salt and pepper, turn pig long rolls, wrap in a napkin and tie tightly with string, to cook with the bones (cooking from 1 to 1.5 hours) on low heat. Remove from heat, expand, cool to room temperature, re-wrap in tissue paper, put the press. Then removed from the tissue and cut into portions. Serve with meat jelly (see jelly meat), with sour cream horseradish sauce (see Sauces).

Vinaigrette meat with cranberries

 Cooked meat slice, to connect with vegetable salad, put in a salad bowl or plate. From top to decorate boiled eggs, berries, cranberries fresh or pickled, and meat jelly (see beef in aspic).50 grams of meat or cooked meat, 1 / 2 eggs, 20 grams of pickled or fresh cranberries, 50 g of meat jelly, 150 g of vegetable salad, spices to taste.

Meatballs meat in jelly

 Of meat, stale bread and eggs to cook meat cutting, sformovat meatballs the size of a walnut and pripustit for a couple. From the broth and gelatin, to prepare meat jelly. At the bottom of the molds to pour a little jelly, to freeze, garnish with sliced ​​eggs and greens, still pour a spoonful of jelly to decoration was frozen, then put the meatballs, cover with remaining jelly to give a good freeze, mold dipped in warm water for 2-3 seconds and upload frozen meatballs to a plate. Serve with horseradish sauce and vinegar.100 grams of meat, 1 / 2 eggs, 15 g stale bread, 150 grams of iron, 15 g of green leaf lettuce.

Tomatoes stuffed with veal, in jelly

 Dense Wash tomatoes, cut off the tip of the stem, seeds are cleaned and filled with chopped roast beef and fresh cucumbers, cut into small cubes. Then pour tomato meat, lightly ostyvshim jelly bear the cold and cool. Before serving, put a circle on top of boiled eggs and sprinkle with chopped greens.150 g tomatoes, 120 grams of veal, 1 / 4 eggs, 20 g of fresh cucumbers, 2 g of parsley, 100 grams of iron (see Filler meat).

Meat salad (de - Beth)

 Meats and vegetables are cut into small slices, season with mayonnaise or mayonnaise sauce (see Sauces), supplemented with the sauce of the South ", from top to decorate the dish in a salad bowl lettuce, egg and chunks of crab. Salad can be replaced by greens or green onions.150 g beef or veal, lamb, tongue, pork, 80 g potatoes, 30 g of salt or fresh cucumbers, 70 g necks cancer or crab, salt, pepper, 60 g mayonnaise, 20 g sauce "South", 1 / 2 eggs, 3 g of green.

Salad (Metropolitan)

 Salad prepare and make out like a salad de Boeuf (beef). Sauces should be fully used for lubrication products included in the salad, they are not watering dish on top. Served in a salad bowl, decorate the top of the same products, which are part of the salad.250 grams of chicken or turkey, duck, goose, 1 / 4 pheasant 1/2ryabchika, 1 / 2 partridges, 1 / 4 grouse, 15 g of lettuce or other greens, 10 g necks cancer or crabs, 1 egg, 60 g sauce mayonnaise, 20 g sauce "South", 80 g potatoes, 50 g pickled cucumbers, or fresh, salt and pepper to taste.

Salad Venison

 Roast fowl separated from the bones, cut into thin slices, boil potatoes and chop. Sliced ​​fresh or pickled cucumber peeled and boiled egg, season with half the norm mayonnaise sauce or mayonnaise, add the sauce of the South ", salt and pepper. Stir and place in salad bowl, pour the remaining sauce on top and place slices of cucumbers, greens and boiled lobster tails (crawfish green).80 g of wild animals, 100 g potato, 30 g cucumber, 20 g of lobsters, 2 g of green, 150 g mayonnaise, 10 g sauce "South", and spices to taste.

Prague salad
 All components are cut into strips, sprinkle with lemon juice or vinegar and mix with mayonnaise. If you wish, sprinkle with pepper.150 grams of roast veal, 150 grams of roast pork, 150 grams of pickled cucumbers, 100 g onion, 100 g apples, peppers, mayonnaise, lemon juice or vinegar.

Russian salad

 Finely chop onion, potoloch it with herbs and mixed with diced cucumbers. Season with salt and let stand. Add eggs, meat and mayonnaise. Mix all, put in a salad bowl and sprinkle with herbs and onions.100 grams of cooked meat, 300 g cucumber, 100 grams of green onions, 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped parsley, 2 tbsp. chopped dill, 3 hard boiled eggs, 1 jar of mayonnaise, salt to taste.

A delicious salad with meat and vegetables

 Diced ham and cucumbers mixed with peas and season with mayonnaise. Add finely chopped onion, mustard.400 g low-fat smoked sausage, 150 g pickled cucumbers, 150 g canned green peas, 300 g of mayonnaise.

The original salad of beef and poultry

 Beef and poultry meat cut into chunks. Cut eggs into 4 pieces, lay on the bottom of salad bowl, put mayonnaise meat and peas, add salt.200 g boiled beef, 200 grams of cooked poultry meat, 200 grams of boiled eggs, 100 grams peas, 300 g of mayonnaise.

Spicy meat salad

 In mayonnaise add a coffee spoon of pepper and salt. Prepared in such a way to fill the mayonnaise diced products.350 grams of cooked lean meat, 200 grams of pickled cucumbers, 200 g boiled potatoes in their skins, 250 g of mayonnaise, ground red pepper to taste.