
Handmade soaps - recipes

Soap, made with his own hands - is a delightful gift as his favorite, and someone in his entourage. Recipes handmade soaps are very diverse, so you can easily create a natural soap for every taste and color.
All the ingredients for soaps can be purchased at the store and pharmacy. However, someone may say that there is no point messing around and much easier to buy ready-made bar of soap, good showcase of modern stores please abundance. But do not forget that, strictly following the recipe, you can get out of the ordinary soap with unique properties. The very pleasure of creating something so worthwhile.Recipes handmade soap - it will take to work

As a basis ideal baby soap. It is inexpensive, does not contain dyes, and also has a pronounced odor.
Base Oil. Oil can take any, but it is better to choose without a strong smell. Perfect almond, cedar oil and sea buckthorn. However, you can use olive oil and even sunflower.

Essential oil. Here for your imagination there are no restrictions. Lavender, rose, tea tree, ginger, lemon - all of these oils are great for adding to the soap. Many recipes suggest handmade soaps add some essential oils.
Filler. As a filler, you can use dried flower petals, as well as ground coffee and sugar.

Liquid. The most commonly used plain water, but some recipes handmade soaps make use of decoction or milk.

Cookware. Prepare two pots in such a way that one went to another, since the soap is boiled in a water bath.

Cookie cutters. Handmade soap is different is a huge variety of forms because as molds, you can use anything. Silicone molds for baking molds for cookies, toy molds for playing in the sand. Plastic, silicone, metal - a form fit virtually any material. Only desirable form of glass.Recipes handmade soap - the proportion of

On one piece of baby soap you will need 200 grams of liquid (water, broth or milk), one teaspoon of glycerin and three teaspoons of oil-base, from five to fifteen drops of essential oil.Recipes handmade soap - Technology

First you need to grate the soap-based. The smaller chip is received, the better. Before rubbing a bar of soap preferably slightly warmed - this will prevent soap dust.

Mix one teaspoon of glycerin and three teaspoons of oil-base. The resulting mixture is slightly warm in a water bath.

Add the soap flakes and a third of the prepared liquid. Chips is better to add small pieces, mixing thoroughly the mixture. This will prevent lumps. Pay close attention to temperature control - a mixture should not be heated above 65 degrees. If we allow simmer base, soap dry up and have to start all over again.
As soon as the mass began to resemble a batter, it should be removed from the water bath. Now came the turn of the fillers. By adding an essential oil, mix a lot. In addition to essential oils as a basis we can introduce a variety of herbs: calendula, chamomile, series, etc. Beautiful decor are the dried flower petals, which, before the introduction of soap lightly moistened with cold water. Do not use rose petals - in a lather, they can go green.

Recipes handmade soap can create soft forgiving scrubs. To do this, ready to enter a lot of sugar or coffee grounds in the amount of one tablespoon 500 grams of soap bases.
To produce a color soap you can use natural dyes. Decoction of chamomile give your soap a nice yellow color. To obtain a blue tint to use essential oil of chamomile. Saffron and curry powder used to produce bright-yellow color. Beetroot - the source of pink or red color. Parsley, fennel, algae, spinach - these supplements, in addition to the obvious benefits to the skin, can achieve different shades of green.
Lightly cooked molds with petroleum jelly or oil. Pour the finished mixture into molds. If you do not try to get a "pearl" effect, do not rush when pouring the mass, otherwise it will be saturated with air bubbles. If an unfortunate slip could not be avoided, sprinkle the surface of soap vodka or alcohol - the bubbles will settle.
Cooled molds can be placed in the refrigerator for a better pour. Frozen soap carefully extracted from the molds. If soap is stuck and does not want "no combat" removed, dip mold into a cup of hot water just for a couple of seconds - the soap itself slip into your hands.
Drain the resulting soap in a cool dry place for two to three days. After drying, the soap can be used. Those pieces of soap, which are designed for storage, it is better to wrap with plastic wrap, it will protect them from drying out. 

Recipe handmade soap "Silk Petals"

Recipe handmade soap with the addition of coffee

 For household purposes can be made great coffee soap that easily removes odors and corrode fat.

Caustic soda is dissolved in very strong coffee, cooled to room temperature. A small amount of beans added to the fine grinding of crude soap base. If desired, add oatmeal or orange peel, dried and milled prior.

Thoroughly mixed was poured into a mold and allowed to complete solidification. The resulting soap must be removed from the forms and leave to dry for three to four days.

The first time soap has a distinct smell of coffee, which eventually recedes.
Recipes handmade soap for hand

Garden soap

Adding to the soap dried and milled basis zest of lemon or orange, you can make a great soap, cleaning your hands well after gardening and other "dirty" work.
Handmade soap with herbs

There are recipes handmade soap with added herbs. These additives significantly increase the useful properties of soap. However, adding milled herbs into the soap base is necessary to consider some aspects.

The grass should be as crushed. If necessary, you can skip the grass milled through a sieve. This will get rid of too large fragments that can damage the skin by using ready-made soap. In addition, large pieces of grass too unaesthetic look at the finished product.

Thoroughly crushed herb preferably pre-pour the warm butter. Fragments of grasses, engorged with oil, become supple and soft. This will greatly enhance the quality of soap.

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