
Cabbage for the winter in Russian

Recommended for preservation of late varieties of cabbage, which contain the greatest amount of sugars. Canning can not only cabbage, but also in color.

Cabbage stuffed with vegetables in tomato sauce

At 10 cans of 0.5 liters is necessary to: cabbage - 3 kg, red carrots - 3.7 kg of white roots - 350 g (parsnips - 175 g parsley - 85 g, celery - 80 g), onion - 600 g, green - 50 g (parsley - 25 g, -15 g fennel, celery 10 g) of salt - 100 g sugar -110 g, bitter pepper - 0.35 g, allspice - 0.52 g, uvarennoy tomato weight - 1.6 kg of fresh tomatoes or - 2.5 kg, vegetable oil - 400 g

Onions cleaned, washed, cut into circles with thickness less than 3-5 mm and fry until golden-yellow in calcined until white smoke oil. Carrots, and white roots are soaked in cold water for 10-15 min, washed, cleaned, washed again with running water, cut into strips and fry in vegetable oil calcined.

Greens are sorted out, washed in cold water, shake and cut into pieces no longer than 10 mm. Combine the sauteed vegetables with herbs, salt (40 g of salt), mix thoroughly and stuffed cabbage them. To do so Cabbage is purified from the upper contaminated green leaves with a sharp knife cut stalk and head is separated from the leaves. Blanched cabbage leaves by steam or boiling water for 3-5 minutes and cooled in cold water. Each sheet is placed a portion of meat, and a sheet wrapped, getting stuffed rectangular shape. Prior to placement of the banks they are stored in an enamel saucepan.

At the same time prepare the tomato sauce. At the red ripe tomatoes, remove stem, wash the fruit in cold water, cut with a knife made of stainless steel into segments, pass them through a meat grinder, put the resulting mass into an enamel saucepan, bring to a boil, and rub through a sieve.

Grated weight put on the fire and boiled to reduce the initial volume of 1 / 3. By uvarennoy tomato mass is added sugar, and after its dissolution - spices. After boiling, 60 grams of salt and a lot more boiled for 5-10 min.

In the prepared jars pour a little tomato sauce, put cabbage (3-4 pieces. The jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters) and fill them with tomato sauce at a temperature not below 90 ° C. Filled jars covered with lids and set boiled in a pot of water heated to 60-70 ° C for sterilization.

During sterilization at 100 ° C for 0.5 liter cans of - 70 min, 1 l - 90 min. During processing, the rapid boiling of water in the pan is not allowed. After sterilization, the jars hermetically sealed, turn upside down and cooled.

Cabbage stuffed with vegetables and rice in tomato sauce

Vegetables, white roots (parsnips, celery, parsley), vegetables prepared in the same way as in the case of cabbage cooking with vegetables, just change the number of products for meat, since it includes also Fig. Figure sorted out, washed thoroughly with cold water until turbidity, blanch, again washed with cold water and place in a colander for draining water.

For 10 cans capacity of 0.5 liters is necessary to: fried carrot - 730 g, sautéed white roots - 60 g, fried onions - 150 g, finely chopped greens - 30 g of salt, 30 g blanched rice - 900 g of vegetable oil calcined before the white smoke - 100 g.

In Fig problanshirovanny added calcined oil, all the fried vegetables, herbs, salt and stirred enamelware.

At the bottom of the prepared cans poured a little hot (temperature 90 ° C) of tomato sauce, then placed stuffed (3-4 pcs. In a jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters) and fill them with hot tomato sauce. Method of preparation of tomato sauce recipe is described in the "Cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables in tomato sauce."

Filled jars covered with lids and set boiled in a pot of water heated to 70-75 ° C for sterilization. During sterilization at 100 ° C for 0.5 liter cans of - 70 min, 1 l - 120 min. After processing the jars hermetically sealed, turn upside down and cooled.

CABBAGE VEGETABLE cutting with minced meat in TOMATO SAUCE

At 10 cans of 0.5 liters is necessary to: cabbage - 1.5 kg, carrots - 3.7 kg of white roots (parsnips, parsley, celery) - 450 g onions - 600 g, green - 25 g salt - 90 g , vegetable oil - 400 g sugar - 100 g of dark pepper - 0.2 g, sweet pepper - 0.3 g, uvarennoy tomato weight - 1.6 kg of fresh tomatoes or - 2.5 kg.

Prepare and roast carrots, onion and white roots, and the preparation of the green wire in the same way as for the stuffed cabbage with vegetable stuffing. Cabbage after removal of the covering of the leaves are cut into pieces no bigger than 15x15 mm, steam or blanch in boiling water for 1 min and cooled in cold water. Roasted vegetables are placed in a pan, add the chopped herbs and salt and slowly heating the mix well. In the resulting mixture was added problanshirovannuyu cabbage, mixed thoroughly and the mixture is heated to a temperature below 70 ° C.

At the same time prepare the tomato sauce. Cooking it is described in detail in the sections where the process of making stuffed cabbage considered. To improve color and increase the content of vitamins in tomato sauce, you can add 25% (by mass) of puree of red peppers, respectively, reducing the amount of tomatoes.

At the bottom of the prepared cans poured a little hot (temperature not lower than 80 ° C), the sauce, then placed a vegetable stuffing and fill it with hot tomato sauce, filling the jars to the brim. Banks covered with boiled lids and set in pan of water heated to 80-85 ° C for sterilization. During sterilization at 100 ° C for 0.5 liter cans of - 70 min, 1 l - 90 min. After processing the jars hermetically sealed, turn upside down and cooled.


White cabbage I have a ton as well. In dense cabbage heads cut stalk, cut cabbage into halves or quarters and shred as for sauerkraut. Cabbage leaves can also be cut into pieces 2-3 cm in length prepared, the cabbage is placed in a large enameled pan or saucepan, pour salt (20 g per 1 kg of the prepared cabbage), mix thoroughly and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature. At the bottom of a bank with a capacity of 1 liter of stack spices (hot pepper - 5-8 peas, sweet peppers - 5-8 peas, cloves - 4-6 pcs. Broken cinnamon - 2 slices, bay leaf - 1 pc. And then tightly placed cabbage (1 / 3 weight content banks must be in its marinade, and 2 / 3 - for cabbage).

Marinade is made from the rate of 2 g of salt, 4 g sugar, and 1.8-2 g of acetic acid 80% concentration in 1 liter of water. In an enamel saucepan pour water, add salt and sugar, heated to boiling, and filtered through 3-4 layers of cheesecloth, bring to a boil and poured into a solution of acetic acid.

Stuffed cabbage banks pour hot (temperature 80-85 ° C) with marinade, cover with boiled lids with lacquered and set in pan of water heated to 70 ° C for pasteurization. Time pasteurisation at 85 ° C for 0.5 liter cans of - 20 min, 1 l - 30 min, 3 yrs - 40-50 minutes. Upon completion of processing banks hermetically sealed, turn upside down and cooled.

L e t n a and n and I to have a ton as well. Cauliflower with compact unblown heads of white or light cream-colored blanket clean of leaves and cut into individual florets measuring 3-5 cm in diameter. Inflorescences should be cut so that they are not decayed, but not to leave hardened parts. Treated florets thoroughly washed in cold water, blanch for 2-3 minutes in salted and acidulated boiling water (10 g salt and 1 g of citric acid in 1 liter of water), cooled in tap water, allow it to drain the cabbage and put into prepared jars. Previously at the bottom of the cans with a capacity of 1 liter of stack spices (cloves - 5-8 pcs. Broken cinnamon - 1 slice of red pepper - a little bit, a bay leaf - 1 pc.).

At the same time prepare the marinade for 50 grams of salt, 50 grams of sugar and 15-18 g of acetic acid 80% concentration in 1 liter of water. The water is heated in an enamel saucepan, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil, filtered, and again bring to a boil and add the acetic acid.

Stuffed cabbage banks pour hot (temperature 80-85 ° C) with marinade, cover with boiled lids with lacquered and set in pan of water heated to 70 ° C for sterilization. During sterilization at 100 ° C for 0.5 liter cans of - 5 min, 1 L - 7 min, 3 yrs - 15-20 min. After processing the jars hermetically sealed, turn upside down and cooled.

Cabbage, marinated with apples. At 10 cans of 0.5 liters is necessary to: cabbage - 2.6 kg of apples - 2 kg of sugar - 210 g salt - 75 g of acetic acid 80% concentration - 23 g, water to the marinade - 1, 2 l, spices (the number shown below).

Fresh cabbage leaves clear of the covering, wash with cold water, chopped into strips of width up to 5 mm, blanch in boiling water for 1 min, cooled under running water, and then throws in a strainer for draining water.

Selected apples are washed in cold water, remove the stem and thalamus, again rinsed with tap water and then cut into halves or slices, removing the core. Prepared apples blanch for 2-3 minutes in boiling 1% solution of citric or tartaric acid (10 g acid per 1 liter of water) and immediately cooled in cold water. Before placing in jars sliced ​​apples to prevent them from browning keep a 0.1% solution of citric or tartaric acid (1 g acid per 1 liter of water).

In an enameled saucepan pour the required amount of water, add sugar and salt. The mixture was boiled for 10-15 min, filtered through 3-4 layers of cheesecloth, pour into a clean enamel pot, bring to a boil and pour in acetic acid. At the bottom of the cans are placed with a capacity of 0.5 liters of 4.3 pea allspice, 1 piece of broken cinnamon, 2-3 pc. cloves, and then blanched cabbage and apples, alternating layers of them.

Stuffed banks pour hot (temperature not lower than 80-85 ° C) with marinade, cover with boiled lids with lacquered and set in pan of water heated to 60-70 C for pasteurization. Time pasteurisation at 90 ° C for 0.5 liter cans of - 20 min, 1 l - 30 min. After processing the jars hermetically sealed, turn down the neck and is cooled as quickly as possible.


Cabbage, fermented cabbage head. 10 kg of sauerkraut is necessary to: cabbage - 12.3 kg of salt - 170-200, the

Fresh ripe cabbages clear of the covering of leaves, wash in cold water. Cabbage diameter 18-30 cm is cut into two or into four parts. At the bottom of the barrel stack washed cabbage leaves, and then - layers of cabbage. Each layer of cabbage heads covered with shredded cabbage or cabbage leaves, densely filling the voids between the heads. Barrel filled with brine, pour in 10 liters of water and 170-200 g of salt, then covered with a gauze or cloth, is placed on top podgnetny range and cargo. Cooked cabbage is stored in a cool place.

K and n with m and y for a while w e n a t e I n and p and s on in a n n I. Sauerkraut sterilized in cases where there are no conditions for its storage (no basement or cellar). After the end of the fermentation process is separated from sauerkraut brine, giving it freely to flow, the brine is poured into an enamel pan, heated to boiling and pour into pre-prepared jars, filling them no more than 1 / 4. In banks with brine tightly stacked sauerkraut and pour the hot brine up to the top banks. If the brine is not enough, you can add a separately prepared 2% brine (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

Filled jars covered with lids boiled lacquered and set in bowl of water heated to 70-75 ° C for sterilization. During sterilization at 100 ° C for 0.5 liter cans of - 25 min, 1 l - 30 min, 3 yrs - 35-40 minutes. Upon completion of processing banks hermetically sealed, turn down the neck and is cooled as quickly as possible, but not in the draft. Since the sauerkraut on contact with air darkens the whole process of its preparation for sterilization must hold for 5-7 minutes.

K and n with m in a, k and w in e n n I n o-and p m I, and MR. To prepare 50 kg of sauerkraut in Armenian required: white cabbage - 60 kg garlic - 1.1 kg, carrots - 5.5 kg, roots (celery, parsley and cilantro with tops) - 1.5-2 kg, bitter peppers - 25 pcs. cherry leaves - 300-400 g, beetroot - 1 kg, allspice -7-8 peas, salt - 1.4-1.6 kg, bay leaf - 10-15 pcs. polyline Cinnamon - 2 pieces.

Purified from cabbage leaves, cover, washed in running water and cut into 2-4 parts. Garlic is divided into teeth and soak them in warm water for 1.5-2 h and then purified. Carrots are thoroughly washed, cleaned of skin, again washed in running water and cut into circles of 3-4 mm thick. Pepper is washed thoroughly with cold water and remove the stem. Roots clean from skin, wash in cold running water, thickened rhizomes are cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts. Cherry leaves were washed in running water and allow it to drain. Beets thoroughly washed, cleaned of skin and cut into thin slices. At the bottom of the barrel is placed well washed cabbage leaves and cherries, and then tightly stacked rows of sliced ​​cabbage. Placed between the rows of equal parts of garlic, roots, cups carrots, beets plate, hot pepper pods. The top layer is covered with pure vegetable cabbage leaves, and then a gauze or cloth, is placed above a well-washed wooden circle, which put the burden. The load must be at least 10% of the total mass of the packed vegetables. After that, pour chilled marinade over vegetables. The level of the marinade should be 4-5 cm above the packed vegetables.

At 50 kg of cabbage to prepare 30 liters of the marinade. Water (approximately 29 l) was heated to boiling, add the allspice, bay leaves, cinnamon and salt, then pour the marinade cool, and they filled a barrel. During 4-5 days. keg stand in a warm place (room temperature), while lactic acid fermentation begins, and then transferred to a cold place. Sauerkraut should be stored at temperatures above 10 ° C.