
Russian bath-house build their own hands

Building a bath with his own handsI would like to start with the fact that I am sure, known to everyone - Russian bath is the perfect completion of the work day, work week or perhaps years of labor, who have both.
Its uniqueness lies in the fact that at a temperature of 80-90 degrees the temperature rises to 40-41 people a degree, and internal organs are heated to 39 degrees. What is likely to prevent and treat a huge number of diseases (cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, etc.). Bath soothes the nervous system, restores power and gives a sense of vivacity and freshness. Plus, the procedures in the bath are the perfect complement to the comprehensive treatment of cellulite (information for women concerned about preserving harmony of its shape).

Build your own bath and enjoy the pleasant feelings.In this article we will discuss how to arrange a Russian bath according to the rules.
The first step. Choose a place for a bath.Bath may be in a separate building in pristroe to the house or inside the house. In the latter two cases, you will not have problems with lighting, water supply and sanitation, it's all in the house.Free-standing bath must be thoroughly warmed. If the bath is in the house, special attention should be paid at warming a steam room. This is assuming that in this house you live in, and he regularly heated. If this is the holiday house, where do you visit often, you should insulate the whole bath, there was no need to heat their entire house for a couple hours in the bath.
It should be noted that in case of fire, free standing bath has its advantages. It is much safer.
Second step. Lay the bath.The most simple bath usually consists of a steam room and changing room. In the most complete and comfortable form - that's four facilities: steam bath, soap, dressing room (a room for undressing) and the vestibule.
Vestibule located immediately outside the door to the bath, it prevents the penetration of cold air into the main room.Over the vestibule - vestibule, 4-6 sq. km. m from the window. The vestibule can undress and relax after a sauna. For this there must be installed bench and, if desired, a table. To make the holiday complete.
In soap (size 4.8 square meters. M), as the name implies, people wash themselves. There should be bins with hot and cold water, gang, brooms and other nice amenities. Have to be a bench on which to sleep lying down. Therefore, the length of one wall should be at least 2 m. If space allows, you can place two benches.
The area of ​​the steam is usually about 9 square. m, and better make it square. To reduce heat loss and a couple should make a door with a high threshold and low transmission. Next to the door in the corner set-oven stove, it inserted the tank to heat water. Along the blank wall have a shop.
The height of bath is usually chosen the minimum possible to make the volume of the room as possible. Because, the more room, especially steam, the more time it takes to warm it up to the desired temperature. Calculate the height of the room must be so: the top row of stones in the oven should be at a distance of 1 m from the floor, the distance to the ceiling should remain roughly the same, a little higher (about 1.1 m). Above the ceiling of the regiment should be about the same distance, so you can enjoy sitting with a broom. Thus, a ceiling height in the bath - not less than 2.1 m.
As upholstery steam use hardwood (in any case not conifers, or not wash off the resin), preferably lime or aspen, they give a terrific scent with hardening.
Step Three. Ventilation.It will provide you with fresh air and toss it in the steam room. If ventilation is not, then the furnace will heat the air just around her. The best option - to make the inlet in the floor behind the stove to stove was on the route of cold air and it quickly warms up and dried. And the outlets equip diagonal spaces, one at a height of 1-1.2 m, the other - from the ceiling. Both openings are interconnected ventilating course, to be printed in the main ventilation or in the attic. All openings are closed grating-gate, which regulates the flow of air. When properly arranged ventilation steam will warm up much better.
Step four. Interior finish.Wood used for finishing bath should be without any varnish, linseed oil or stain only. Surface of the shops and all other items in contact with the skin, pleasant to the touch. The metal parts need to hide in a tree, the steel parts - galvanized. It is better to use brass or bronze. These materials are corrosion resistant.
Lighting is better to choose dim. Light fixtures can be ceiling, corner, wall, a matter of taste. The main requirement - only use special termovlagostoykie options.
Step five. Pool.Optional, but very nice step. Especially if there's no bath, river or lake or even pond. Swimming can be done yourself, you can buy collapsible.