
VAZ 2101 - penny, the history of the national car

In 1966, after analyzing 54 different areas of the CC CPSU and the Soviet government decided to build a new automobile plant in the city of Stavropol-on-Volga, later renamed Togliatti. Agreement was signed with the Italian company FIAT.The choice fell on FIAT mainly for political reasons: Communist Party of the Soviet Union supported the parties of the other developed capitalist countries, especially Italy and Frantsiyu.Rukovoditelyam foreign communist parties needed new jobs and building a plant in Togliatti solve their problemy.Italyanskie professionals and builders built a factory, provided all the necessary dokumentatsiey.Provodili konsultaltsii with engineers VAZ and participated in the development of new models. The first batch of logos was also made in Italy, which has increased interest among collectors.The prototype was the VAZ 2101 car FIAT 124 model 1966 with 1.2 liter engine and trim the initial urovnya.V 1965 it was conquered by the title "Car of the Year."January 3, 1967 the construction of the Volga automobile plant was announced the All-Union Komsomol stroykoy.Tysyachi people were directed to construction, it was mostly young people. A January 27 of that year was laid the first cubic meter of land for construction of the first unit.In 1969 he began to form labor groups, continued installation of equipment produced by 844 domestic plants and 900 plants of the community, businesses in Italy, Germany, Great Britain, USA, France and other countries.March 1, 1970 the first ten out of the body welding shop, and 19 avprelya the main assembly line went the first 6 VAZ 2101.Avtomobil and modifying it got the name "Lada", named after the mountains near Togliatti."Lada" were very similar to the Fiat 124, but it was only in appearance.The cars were assembled from all parts of the localized, with no supplies from Fiat. But some parts was not in the USSR and other socialist countries. For example in Poland in 1967 has produced very similar to the "Lada" Polski Fiat 125P, it could be a Latin symbol, that was the reason for the appearance of the legend of "fiatovskih penny."Later, the Polish Fiats were supplied details of the Soviet Union, such as door handles are recessed.Fiat design has undergone many changes before becoming the "Lada". Even in the early stages of tests it was clear that Fiat is not for our roads. Body it was very weak, it had to increase as the suspension.Was increased ground clearance from 164 mm to 175 mm, rear disc brakes replaced on drums, more durable and protected from the effects of sand and mud. As indicated testers, rear shoes was enough for 500-600 km on a bad road, they just erased to the metal. Door handles have recessed, making them travmobezoasnymi, appeared outside rearview mirror.Camshaft moved from the bottom up, increased the distance between the cylinders, keeping a working volume of 1.2 liter engine, increased the diameter of the cylinder from 73 to 76 mm with a capacity of 64 hp.The transmission increased the diameter of the clutch disc from 182 to 200 mm. Trehrychazhnaya suspension changed to pyatishtangovuyu. Instead of two poddomkratnikov on the sides, has four.In the front bumper appeared a hole under the "curve" starter, there fangs and towing lugs. Sitting in contrast to fiatovskih were decomposed. Total was introduced more than 800 amendments that significantly strengthened the structure, and a heavier 90 kg, 855 to 945 kg.The bulk of the improvements made Italian experts, with the participation of the Soviet, which made it possible to learn from and use for subsequent developments.October 28, 1970 in Moscow, was sent the first wave of "Lada". When the settlement construction in 6 years, the plant was running at 3 years earlier.March 24, 1971 the State Commission took first place in the operation, which will produce 220,000 cars a year.July 16, 1971 was issued one hundred thousandth VAZ.In 1971, exports began, "Lada" in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and the GDR. Later, in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Egypt, Great Britain, Nigeria.In connection with multilingual customer name "Lada" was changed to "LADA" / "LADA".December 22, 1973 the plant was officially adopted by the State Commission on well after the release of one millionth car VAZ, and the decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR prezidiumoma was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor.In the 70s, "Lada" were the most comfortable and secure from Soviet cars. Have a "Lada" was prestigious, it is said to safely and comfortably at home. For most of the male naeleniya it was a dream. Foreign origins even more attracted buyers VAZ 2101. But still a little afraid at first, "Lada", due to lack of experience in service.Seasoned motorists confidently say that the "Lada" not for our roads, but it later turned out that they are made not only for our roads, but also for our off-road.Appeared warranty and service! Among the positive features of "Lada" were: a small volume of maintenance work, the drivers were surprised that in the winter night is not necessary to drain the water, they first learned the taste of antifreeze and got the wheels on all year round. Also, "Lada" featured ride, good handling and dynamics, thus outperform "Muscovites" and "Volga" forever. Interior was comfortable, Parking heater worked perfectly well. More pleased that in the Soviet Union learned how to make high-quality fixtures and fittings, after buying the "Lada" did not need to stretch. Build quality is at the beginning of production was at a height, but in subsequent years has worsened, not only at the WHA, but the industry as a whole.In 1974 he was released an updated version of "Lada" - WHA 21 011, with an engine capacity of 1.3 liters and 69 hpFor 13 years the production was released about 3 million cars VAZ 2101. Release WHA 21 011 discontinued in 1981, 2101 to '82, later produced only a modification of the WHA 21 013.
VAZ 2101, and sports.In early 1971, was released on a race modification "Lada", she took part in the European Rally "TOUR OF EUROPE - 71", where our team won the silver cup. If you participate in subsequent competitions, "TOUR OF EUROPE - 73" Soviet athletes won gold and silver.In the highway-ring races "Kopek" took part in the 1972 national championship. In those days, yet no one could force the engines of VAZ, and on the slopes had the advantage of "Moskvich". But over time, forcing the secret "Lada" has been cracked, drivers have learned to cook their vases, and the team already AZLK could not resist "kopecks" and left behind forever.At the races, "Cup of Friendship of the socialist countries," things were not quite right. Three Czech racer won any races on his factory Skoda 130 RS, only changing places in the top three. Powerful and easy-Skoda have been created specifically for the ring. Soon they moved on to other European competitions, and their place was taken by other athletes of Czechoslovakia, on our Ladakh. They drank a lot of blood for our riders, but still they could win, it's been proven many times by Soviet athletes.Interestingly, the factory riders often had to share the medals with the "loners" of other cities. They composes a strong competitor in a race. And all because that was not in the professional sports of the USSR, they could just deal with having stood at the machine replaced. And the sports section of the WHA had no units of the plant, but only clubs motorists, and invaluable experience improvements are rarely put into improving the design of production cars.What is the tuning VAZ 2101 in the early '70s?Our motorists are able to negotiate with leaders of various large companies, which have output abroad. We brought enhanced and refined specifically for racing camshafts. Imported from different countries, all of course it was illegal, and therefore tuning "Lada" was very expensive. Who then brought camshafts, they changed to the stiffer suspension, which in turn exchanged for other details, more strenuous. Rubber was of "space", ie available, were recorded in the queue for several months.Some "Kulibin" made camshafts for its technology, changed, sold. Well done home-made magnesium wheels, in Europe it was very expensive.Only in our time tuning parts are available, and we can pick up any detail to fit your parameters. Say thank you to those people who in the early 70's were not afraid to pursue their "cents" more advanced features, it was the Soviet athletes and enthusiasts!