What to give for the new year 2012. Celebrating the new year

The new year is getting closer and closer, and the time to select gifts to friends and colleagues are less and less. And so want to gift a symbol of the coming 2012 - Year of the Metal Dragon, and brought joy to his destination, not just collecting dust on a shelf.

Christmas Gift podarkiK should be taken very cautiously and carefully. After all, you should please not only the person to whom gift giving, but also a symbol of the coming year - a dragon.

So, what gifts you can give to the new year 2012?

The original is always good and a welcome, warm and kind gift - a fluffy, real, wool, in a cage, strip, of any kind of color (best of all - to match the character of the future owner) plaid. For many years, this gift will produce positive emotions and create a cozy atmosphere.

Useful gifts your loved one: wallet / purse for the rights, stylish pen (by the way, and Parker is a cost-effective options, but if your favorite deals in business circles, it is necessary), daily for the new year, visiting cards, a pocket flashlight.

Romantic gifts: a gift certificate for ... anything from a dinner at the restaurant, before flying in a balloon, voice card with your greeting, and his pictures, puzzle with your photo or a joint, to order a cake with amusing inscription, "strawberry letter" (a box of chocolate covered strawberries, where the Each strawberry is written in the letter).

Funny gifts: magic egg from which sprouts a plant with an inscription on the leaves (eg, "yaakvamir - give the whole world! Love you"), with a living plant brelochek inside (that went to care for pets, you should start with small) Biosystems - a little Aquarium, home to dwarf shrimp, computer mouses, painted by Khokhlov, oil derrick board (only if you are not an oligarch, and he has no present), any board game (from a monopoly to the "scholar" or "Twister" so that you can happily spend the evening with friends, remembering his childhood), kostruktor match (if you prefer to spend the evening outside the noisy get-togethers).

Gifts to the wish of wealth: Again, suitable oil derrick, money tree - a living (jade), or with coins, Chinese frog with a coin in the mouth (making money, it is checked)).

The most difficult gift - it's not for children and parents, and ... and grandparents. On the one hand, I want to please them, on the other hand, it is probably faced with the fact that her grandmother begin to experience, getting "high" or "needless" from their point of view of a gift. Yeah, a box of chocolates or a ridiculous figure of the dragon - the symbol of the coming year - in this case do not ... It should be something both pleasant and useful.

For example, it may be some gifts: a warm scarf, a woolen blanket on the bed to which you can wrap myself in front of the TV, soft slippers (maybe even a kind of sheep), electric heater (winter in the yard), herbal balm (a some very useful), a set of herbal tea (again, for health), a mug with a photo grandchildren. If the grandchildren are small - you can donate a set of "baby's first track," (this is where the frame for a framed photo + prints legs and handles a baby). And finally - you can make a book-album entitled "Our Family", which shows the family tree, with places for photos and descriptions of the life of each of the ancestors and family members - this really will be something to do long evenings).

As well as a gift well suited for women - soft toys, hair clips, a huge bouquet of flowers. More global options - a trip to warmer climates, interior. Girlfriend can give a silk dress for sleeping or stockings.

If you are going to visit their friends and before the new year there are very few times, the easiest gift is a bottle of red wine for New Year's table.