Putin refused to grant amnesty to employers

Vladimir Putin called "raw" and worked through a draft resolution on amnesty businessmen proposed by the Commissioner of businessmen Boris Titov. As reported on Friday, May 24, the newspaper "Vedomosti", the point of view of the Russian president expressed during a meeting with businessmen, who spent the day before at the Voronezh plant "Voronezhsintezkauchuk."

Putin invited the authors of the initiative to work on it with experts and prosecutors. "Not all business groups, subject to amnesty defined. And there are financial fraudsters, and sitting there for criminal export of dual-use materials that can be used to make weapons "- quoted by Russian President newspaper" Kommersant ".

The publication also reports that Putin has promised to consult the government about the possibility of an amnesty.

Boris Titov took the initiative to hold a large-scale amnesty to employers at the beginning of May 2013. She was supposed to be timed to the entrepreneur, which is celebrated on May 26.

Expert Council of the Ombudsman offered to release convicted of economic crimes, it refers to the 53 articles of the Criminal Code, including such as "fraud," "embezzlement," "property damage by fraud or breach of trust."

On January 2013 in Russia there were 13,600 inmates for economic crimes.

On the "Voronezhsintezkauchuk" Putin came to meet with entrepreneurs, as well as to open the line for the production of advanced polymer materials for road paving.