
As a trained George Gakkenshmidt

George Gakkenshmidt entirely owes its strength, its musculature, its records and all of his career - only workout. Among the Russian athletes there is no one who so assiduously devoted all his leisure time training, as the "Russian Lion."
The original "work" Gakkenshmidta before his arrival in Petrograd in 1897, was not rational. True, he was chasing a bicycle, was a good gymnast, has turned the one-handed 240 pounds (96 kg) and appeared in the small Baltic circus under the alias "Lenz", hit the public with the development of their muscles.

But the real training began for him since the day when he was engaged Dr. VF Krajewski

Krajewski Wladyslaw Frantsevich (1841 - 1901) "father of Russian athletics." Born in Warsaw in 1841. He graduated from medical school in Warsaw and Berlin universities. Moved to St. Petersburg, where he works doctor. Even in his youth became interested in physical exercise, often visited the circus, where the interest the performance of athletes. As a doctor and trainer founded and established a theoretical basis for Russian athletics. Opening the first of the "cabinet of health" 10 August (23 on the modern calendar), 1885 was a day of athletic areas in Russia. Under his leadership, Russian athletes Eliseev, H. Gakkenshmidt, G. Meyer achieved worldwide recognition in the late XIX - XX centuries.In the period 1896-1899 gg. VF Krajewski wrote his two major works. One of them - "The Catechism of Health. The rules for dealing with sports." Was not published, the manuscript survived only. We can assume that Krajewski simply did not have time to resolve all issues related to the publication of this book. Another book - "The development of physical strength without weights and with weights," was published in 1900. and thrice reprinted after his death (1902, 1909, 1916gg.)His disciple - G. Gakkenshmidt in his book "The Path to Power and Health," devotes a special chapter of his teacher, which describes him as a gentleman, a distinguished physician and teacher.A lot of useful and good for the good of his country, a Russian sports could make the man. But ... a tragic accident ended his life. In October 1990, VF Krajewski, passing Anichkov bridge fell, broke his leg, and a refresher autumn and winter, March 1, 1901 died of a stroke opopleksicheskogo. He is buried at the Vyborg Catholic cemetery.

  Gaak Nearly three months Gakkenshmidt heard in the chest almost 10 inches and began to produce the impression of Hercules Farnese.
Reached, Dr. Krajewski with enhanced power: for Gakkenshmidta cooked wonderfully strong broth, and a plate of soup boiled from 6 - 7 pounds of meat. (Note this is approximately 2.8 kg of meat, I would remind Russian pound - 0.409 lbs.)
Fed Gakkenshmidta Krajewski exactly to the slaughter, at the same time forcing the train with weights - the average weight - at times within 2 - 3 hours twice daily, morning and afternoon. At the same time was a mandatory training on the rings.
A very important emphasis was placed on hygiene of the body - after a training session followed by a cold bath and a walk.
Dumbbell Gakkenshmidt then takes up very little.
But much attention was paid to the exercises in division champion (with bulldogs and vesovikami) and squats over his shoulders.

So there was at that time kettlebell workout Gakkenshmidta, with the fight if the situation was worse - seriously train was not skem, had limited training in a friendly circle Krajewski and athletic society, running and jumping.
It is time this wrestling training came to Gakkenshmidta his American tour, when he began to train with Dr. Roller - Best of the struggle.
Every day, every morning, Gakkenshmidt and rollers, heat dressed and ran for about an hour without a break, to sweat. This was followed by training to fight, after this massage. After the massage, voluntary movement in the system Dane Muller and bath. "


Gaak "... Working in the factory he made himself a special pood hammer, which is also used for his training. A lot of attention paid workout with a barbell and weights. Particularly to the development of leg muscles, using not only the special exercises with a barbell, but jumps rope and various obstacles (table, chairs)
Often, coaching his feet, he climbed the stairs to the inside of the church spire Olivesta, holding on dvuhpudovoy Giers, and sometimes planted on the shoulders of a boy. He especially loved jumping. In the particular combination jump (height and length of time) he had the result of 360 cm in length. "

By the way, he was involved in jumping to a ripe old age. Even at the age of 82 years Gakkenshmidt could jump over a rope stretched on the backs of two chairs, building on the floor with both feet simultaneously. . .
Bow to thee, Great Hack! Let them be forever upon you, the words "Honor and Glory to Russia!".