
Garden furniture business

Manufacture of garden furniture. This business idea is most suitable for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. The idea is to manufacture and assemble the furniture part of the enterprise and selling furniture compact, easy to transport units. Target audience for this business idea - the owners of country houses, cottages and summer cottages. For organizations that need a business idea:

If the theater begins with a hanger, a furniture manufacturing begins with the drawing. First you need to decide what to manufacture the furniture will be easier to start a business. Stools, chairs, benches, beds, chairs, swings, benches, tables, etc. Maybe just want to develop drawing and engage in the manufacture trellis, pergola or arbor. It all depends on the amount of material needed to manufacture the final product and space available for immediate production, assembly, disassembly and storage. Also not unimportant role played by the skills of workers in the carpentry business. Better to start with making things that work are able to perform at high levels. Prices of your products in the first stage of business shall not exceed the price of similar products sold in your area, try to make the prices a little lower than the average statistical price. Then, already earning a reputation as a serious company with quality products at the prices offered products can be raised.

And so. For the business organization for the production of collapsible garden furniture we need:
1. Development of drawing one or more garden-furniture items. The device, outdoor furniture should be such that it would be easy to assemble and disassemble. And as a compact shape. In this assembly process should be as simple as possible. In developing the blueprint to build a prototype and test its performance. The process of assembly and disassembly of furniture for the future owner should not cause problems and should be as simple as possible. Furniture should be simple and in terms of manufacturing. Less parts - less material and time spent on production. Consequently will lower product price, which is essential for bringing goods to market.
2. It would be very nice if a company logo design, and use it for packaging products of your company. Blank boxes do not cause a potential buyer confidence, and the logo will be the face of your business, selling a certain guarantee of quality furniture.
3. You must have a shop to manufacture furniture with the necessary machinery and warehouse for finished products. Of machines at the beginning is enough to purchase three machines: the DBMS, surface gauge and milling machine. This is the first step of our business unit in the implementation of which will have to pay.
4. Find suppliers of lumber, plywood, etc. In a word search vendors fairly cheap and high quality material suitable for furniture, small architectural forms.
5. To compete with firms that have long specialized in this field, it is proposed to transfer sales, trade in products closer to a potential buyer. The closer to the future site testing of furniture, the better. This place brisk trade can be a road leading out of town for collective gardens, the area at the entrance to gardening partnership. Regional centers and small towns where there is no well-known retail chain giant firms for the sale of garden furniture, are also suitable for the successful implementation of modular furniture.
6. No gimmicks are not enough if the furniture is made in your company, will not differ the original design, breathtaking appearance. Before anything, "put together" Take seriously their intentions. Better pokoldovat on sketches than selling for a song tucked product!

If you like this idea for a small business, please, when you earn on this idea of ​​my first million! I'll be waiting!

Here are some illustrations on Collapsible garden furniture to give.

Halves of the seat if placed along stistemy slula feet, then assembled this slulchik will occupy very little space.

Chair in the "working" form.

Like this may look like your folding table and folding benches.