
Pickled green tomatoes

My husband brought me four boxes of banana green tomatoes. I even grabbed his head. How much time and effort needed to get it all processed. But as the saying goes, the eyes are afraid of - the hands are doing. And what is love, you ask? Just in preserving green tomatoes I put my heart and a lot of effort, and they hope the winter will answer me in return, in the form of a pleasant taste sensation.

Since a lot of tomatoes, and banks have left me only 700 gram, I decided to make a piece for the winter and preserve green tomatoes in different ways and with pleasure I share with you the original photos and recipes for canned tomatoes

To begin, I introduce you to some common technology canning and cooking the marinade for tomatoes.

Preparation of the marinade to fill

Canning with acetic acid is called pickling.

Pickle filling consists of a dissolved salt, sugar and vinegar. Salt and sugar dissolve in water by heating and stirring, and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then add the spices and hold back on heat for 15 minutes at a temperature close to boiling, but do not boil, since boiling the substance automatic spices fading. I usually do not do, and immediately put them into the jar. Set of spices can vary depending on personal taste and capabilities. Then add the filling to acetic acid. Do not add it right away, because pouring boiling acid evaporates from this filling becomes weaker and its preservative effect is reduced. Acetic acid is not necessary to add a fill, you can simply pour the required amount into the prepared cans of tomatoes. And another important thing: marinades provides better quality in the case when preparing for their take fruit or grape vinegar.

In tomatoes, prepared for canning, remove the stem. Wash tomatoes, if they are large, cut and pack in sterilized jars. And then pour tomato filling prepared, if necessary, sterilize them and close. If you are afraid that during the sterilization of tomatoes would be too soft, it can be replaced by pasteurization at 85 * C.
Green tomatoes, stuffed with garlic

Fill (three-liter jars):

1 liter of water
1 cup granulated sugar
1 tbsp. Spoon heaping of salt
0.5 cups of vinegar 9%
Horseradish, dill, parsley

Make cuts on tomato in several places. In these cuts slide thinly sliced ​​garlic. I keep tomatoes cut in half, and large in four parts. Place the green tomatoes into jars, pour hot brine. Sterilize 10-15 minutes of boiling water. Corked banks turn down the lid, cover with a thick cloth (preferably with a blanket) and leave to cool.
My husband is delighted with the green tomatoes, stuffed with garlic. In taste sensations of canned tomatoes men gave them first place.
Green Tomatoes "drunk"
Fill (7 - 700 gr. Jars):

1.5 liters of water
4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
2-3 tablespoons of salt
3 bay leaves
2 cloves of garlic
10 sweet peas black pepper
5 pc. carnations
2 tablespoons. tablespoons vodka
2 tablespoons. 9% tablespoons vinegar
Pinch of red pepper bitter

Fill prepared marinade tomatoes, sterilize for 15-20 minutes and roll up. Banks are well kept, even at room temperature.
Green Tomatoes "fingers will lick"
3 kg. tomato

200 gr. herbs: parsley, dill, leaves cherries (or currants)
100 gr. onions (I cut up each jar on the floor bulbs)
1 clove of garlic


3 liters of water
9 of Art. spoons of sugar
2 tablespoons. teaspoon of salt
2-3 pieces of bay leaf
5 peppercorns allspice
1 cup of vinegar 9%
Vegetable oil (taken at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon to quart jar)

Such as tomatoes can be prepared with different shading (on a 3-liter jar):

1.5 liters of water
1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
1 tbsp. spoon of salt
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil

At first the bank trying to post greens, garlic, vegetable oil. Then tomatoes, and onions on top. In the finished fill add vinegar and pour the hot marinade over the tomatoes. Sterilize 15 minutes.

Green Tomatoes "tasty"
1 liter of water
4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
3 teaspoons of salt
100 gr. 6% vinegar
Sweet Bulgarian pepper

Lay slices of tomatoes and peppers in jars, pour boiling water twice, the third - the boiling brine, and roll up. Tomatoes get very tasty.

I covered these tomatoes in tomato juice, but without the vinegar. Made from tomato juice, added to his salt, sugar and cinnamon in the recipe on the tip of a knife, boil for 5 minutes. Then fill the tomatoes with juice, add 1 tablet of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) on the quart jar and lid immediately rolled.
Green tomatoes with gelatin "miracle"
1 liter of water
3 tbsp. teaspoon of salt
3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
7.8 pc. bay leaf
20 sweet bell pepper
10 pieces of cloves
10 gr. gelatin
0.5 cups of vinegar 6%

Soak gelatin in pre-warm water for 40 minutes. Make the filling, boil, add the gelatin and vinegar, and boil again fill. Pour the tomatoes and fill sterilize 5-10 minutes.

I am green tomatoes with gelatin never tried, but have heard good feedback. So shut the two portions: of green and brown tomatoes.
P.S. No wonder those tomatoes called "Miracle". Were very tasty and my friends from them in delight.
Green tomatoes and cabbage

2.5 liters of water
100 gr. salt
200 gr. sugar
125 gr. 9% vinegar


Bulgarian pepper

Green tomatoes and cabbage coarsely chop and add the jar with the spices. The first time fill with boiling water, let stand 20 minutes, the second time finished casting. Add 1 tablet of aspirin on-liter jar and roll up.

This recipe is my employee, obtained very tasty tomatoes.

I closed on this recipe tomatoes in two forms: with a filled in tomato juice. In the cooked tomatoes, add salt, sugar and some cinnamon. Boil 5 minutes. Packed in a jar of tomato juice flooded boiled, sterilized for 15-20 minutes and rolled up. Green tomatoes in a tomato and cabbage I like more (I do love tomato zlivku).
Green tomatoes with apples in a pink brine
1.5 liters of water
1 tbsp. spoon of salt
5, Art. spoons of sugar
70 gr. 6% vinegar
Sweet bell pepper

In the bank lay the tomatoes, apple slices and a few two small circles of purified beet. Depends on the amount of beet brine saturated color and taste. More than 2 slices of beet or place, or brine to be astringent taste. Pour boiling water for 20 minutes. Then out of the water make the filling, boil it. Hot brine fill the tomatoes and roll up cover. I've done a little differently: in order to beet has not lost its color, I added it to fill, boil for 5 minutes with vinegar, and then poured into jars. These delicious tomatoes I regaled friend at work.

Such as tomatoes can be done without beets are obtained is also very tasty.
Tip from the chef: aspirin is better to replace up to 60-70 ml. vodka, the same effect

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