
VAZ 2102 - the first Russian universal

A leader among automobile manufacturers practical value - Volga automobile plant produces 1971 new car VAZ 2102.

VAZ 2102 - passenger car, an advanced copy of the VAZ-2101. This five-door sedan with classic layout station wagon. And indeed the VAZ-2101 and VAZ-2101 are almost identical. In comparison, these cars have common features and connections to many parts and components are very similar. We assume no differences in the design of the driver's seat and dashboard.

In the car VAZ-2102 is now simplified the operation of loading the various types of cargo, ie edge of the rear door is flush with the trunk floor and brought up the bumper, which greatly facilitates the discharge process.

It may be noted that the rear door of the car VAZ-2102 opens up a spare tire and gas tank located under the luggage compartment. This point is characterized by positive VAZ-2102, as the cargo now easily be placed on a flat floor luggage compartment. It is very convenient to use a solid rear seat, which on occasion can be expanded and, as a result, a horizontal platform for luggage. The surface of this area differs relief profile, preventing the load to move freely throughout the cabin. Advantages of the VAZ-2102 and immediately noted vacationers tourists who appreciate the ability of the rear compartment for transformation.
License plate of VAZ-2102 is mounted on the tailgate, and taillights are in an upright position.
It is known that the total mass of the VAZ-2102 is different from the mass of the VAZ-2101 to 55 kg. Consequently, developers have tried to further enhance suspension and shock absorbers to make it possible to leave grueopodemnost to 250 kg with two passengers, or 60 kg with five riders.
Manufacturers of VAZ-2102 car equipped with this gasoline engine power by 64, torque by 88 Nm was at 3400 rev / min. VAZ-2102 has worked on gasoline AI-93. To be able to increase the load on the engine, the developers used the cargo gear, increasing the ratio of the main pair from 3.9 to 4.4.
Because of its qualitative features, this car VAZ-2102 became quite popular. However, for the positive aspects were examined and disadvantages. Thus, the technical level of the estate at that time had its negative feature - the poor encapsulation salon that did not protect against dust, falling from the back door and did not protect from fumes.
Volga automobile factory is constantly carried out some changes to the car. Thus, until 1977, VAZ-2102 had a total negative molded into the lid of the diodes on the generators. In 1983, the car will improve and carry out changes in the electrical part.
Because the progenitor of VAZ-2102 VAZ-2101 is a long time, VAZ-2101 carburetors used for the production of VAZ-2102. Upgraded their only 1974 and VAZ-2102 with new carburetors produced until 1976.
In 1978 the transformation model VAZ-2102. Automobile factory produces vehicles designed primarily for export - WHA 21 021, consisting of four-69-horsepower 1.3-liter, as well as the WHA with 21 023 carbureted engine, developing 71 hp power such vehicles are equipped with wiper and even smyvatelem glass rear door and equip the seats of the VAZ-2106, which already had a head.
Since 1986, the production of VAZ-2102 was discontinued. But after so many years can be traced lifespan of these vehicles. Even now on the road you can see this when a particularly popular one sedan.