Easter - a bright holiday of Christ's resurrection. This holiday came to Russia from Byzantium together with the baptism at the end of X century. Since then, Russia is widely everywhere, beautifully and solemnly celebrate this Christian holiday.
On the eve of Easter in all the churches held night vigils and procession around the church. By this time all the houses traditional festive baked pastries - Easter cake, which symbolize the body of Christ, and painted eggs. And right from the morning, the faithful are sent home with goodies, giving to a Friend dyed eggs, while saying: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly He is risen!".
This custom greeting-congratulations, accompanied by hug and kissing, called "the Easter greeting." Celebration of the Christian Passover lasts seven days and is called Holy Week, or sedmits.
Easter - is the day of hearty treats. After the Great Lent on the table that day, and exhibited a variety of delicious dishes. Among them the first place belongs to ritual dishes. And, above all, it's Easter cakes and colored eggs.
The egg, which is traditionally painted red and its shades, it became mandatory attribute and a symbol of the Christian Passover from the XII century. A Easter cake is always baked yeast dough, high and round. Top Easter cake decorated with image of the cross. It is believed that if the Easter bread failed, the family all will be fine. Eating Easter cake is not cut lengthwise and wide, keeping the the top of the whole to cover the remainder of her kulich ..
And, of course, the old Russian custom in those days of Easter resounded and sent gifts to the poor and needy, relatives and strangers in the almshouses, orphanages, hospitals and prisons. Do not abandon the poor and strangers - because people say that the "From Easter to Ascension wandering on the earth Christ with the Apostles, experiencing belong mercies and kindness of everyone."