Painting the ceiling, ceiling moldings, ceiling painting technique

Painting the ceiling, ceiling moldings, ceiling painting technique

Painting the ceiling

Ready to paint the ceiling should be before the work on the walls and floor, or accidental drops can damage the paint work. When painting a ceiling is very important to do everything carefully and thoroughly, even if it slows down the pace of work. By the way, professional painters avoid rapid methods that do not degrade performance.                                                                                                    

The best known way to finish the ceiling - it's whitewashing, using well-known "home" means - a mixture of chalk, glue, blue, soap and water. And although this means-tested for over 50 years, it has several disadvantages: a whitewash kept short, fade from sunlight colors, and can be damaged by the action of water.

Therefore it is better to use more modern materials, such as water-based paints that are specially designed to work precisely with the ceiling. This paint can be applied with brush, roller or spray. The resulting white coating can be washed.

Preparation before painting the ceiling

For your convenience, it is expedient to create a special stage, most importantly, see to it that they are not slippery, otherwise you may fall. You can also use for sturdy table or chair.

The thickness of the paint layer should normally not exceed one millimeter, it is enough to the ceiling surface was protected from dust and chemicals that are in the air.

Before painting, Porous surfaces (wood, cement, plaster, stone, brick) should be covered with a layer of primer to give them a greater density, otherwise the paint will soak into them.

Before starting work hold the brush in water, so it softened bristle: stiff hair left on the surface of the rough tracks and the quality of staining is markedly reduced. In addition, the exposure of the brush in water before work leads to the fact that the hair density increases, and therefore this reduces the likelihood of hair loss during the process of dyeing. After a wet brush, dry it. It is also advisable to do some work on it a hard surface - concrete or mortar, pre-moistened with a brush in the paint. This will eliminate some of the brush protruding hairs that are left on the surface of the strip.

Some people prefer to burn brush in order to align its bristles. However, professional painters say that such action is appropriate only when using a brush made of horsehair. Burning brush bristle is not recommended, as this may damage the most valuable part of the bristles - "flags".

During the painting of the ceiling from time to time, turn the brush around its axis, otherwise it will be uneven bristle wear, forming the so-called "paddle" that is, stubble, stochennuyu on one side.

Before you start painting the ceiling should be mixed thoroughly. If it formed a film of dried paint, then in any case do not try to break it, much less to mix with the rest of the paint. The fact that the dried paint can not dissolve. Therefore, the mixing will lead only to the fact that the paint on the surface appear to be lumps. Therefore, carefully peel off the tape blade, and the remaining strain the paint through a filter (gauze or strainer) into another container, then stir.

Mix the paint should be as often as possible to prevent the occurrence of sediment.

To oil-based paint is not dried up, it is necessary to put thick paper, which to fill in linseed oil or lubricating oil.

Technique of painting the ceiling

Evenness of the painted surface depends on the pressure on the brush. With a weak push the paint falls on the surface of narrow strips, ugly thick, leaving gaps. If you press the brush too hard, then it will drain the paint, which forms the smudges, but a coat of paint with a thin and will easily shade. In this regard, it is better to press lightly on the brush, but as the waste paint to increase its pressure and carefully shade.

In order to prevent run-off paint on the brush, you can roll a roll of cloth or foam and attach it to the handle 30 - 50 mm below the wrist.

From time to time Squeeze the paint on the edge of dish to keep it from dripping on the floor. The brush can be held either perpendicular to the surface or at a slight angle. Make uniform swings so as to obtain broad band, which then must be carefully shade.

The crossing of lines at right angles paint makes the surface smoother.

During the breaks keep the brush in water, thinner or even in a bucket of paint. But be sure to dip the brush into the water so that it does not touch the bottom of the tank, otherwise the hair will be deformed. If you brush a wooden frame, then leave it for a long time in the water can not be, otherwise it will spoil.

It is best to lower the brush about one-third the length of the bristles, if you dip the brush is too deep, its handle is stained, and it begins to drip paint. Removing it, tap the clutch on the edge of the bucket to shake off excess paint drops. Wipe the brush on the edge of the container is not necessary, otherwise you will remove too much paint. When you make a stroke, hold the handle the brush as close to the ceiling, as the movement by increasing the angle. The first stroke goes up, and following down the same site. If the first smear once a well-covered surface, leave smears on the left and right.

When you have finished painting the ceiling, flush thoroughly with a brush. This can be done with turpentine, mineral spirits or kerosene. And then wash the brush in warm soapy water as long as the water is clear. Brush, smeared in glue paint, enough to wash in hot water. It is also advisable to wrap the brush that you will not enjoy long, gauze, so that the bristles do not lose their shape.

Especially careful maintenance require hand-trimming and fleytsy, they must wash not only after work, but also during the breaks.

The brush is usually used in small areas, large areas easier to paint with a roller. If you have strokes cross each other, then a layer of paint will be more uniform, and traces the roller will not be noticeable.

The roller is more convenient not to dip a bucket of paint, and in a special container (a small pan with edges), where you can ride. Pour the paint to about half a pallet.

A small tray can be enhanced directly under the roller so that the paint does not drip down.

It should permeate the paint roller so that it is evenly soaked in all of its surface. Staining should begin at a distance of one meter from the corner of carrying out and roll away from you. You can start with in order to spread over the surface of a rich layer of paint to paint it on the site in a zigzag line with the letter W, and then spread the paint across the surface.

To paint was carefully shade on the surface, they send the motion perpendicular to each other. It is also important roll to roll several times in the same area.

It is recommended to put the domestic three layers of paint, import - by two. Period of time, which should be maintained between the stains, paint specified on the package. Withstand the required time necessary to ensure that the surface was smooth and beautiful. The fact that the colorful layers during a dry run a few steps. For example, on the stage "to touch" paint still retain plasticity, but it already adheres dust. Apply a new layer only when the paint goes into a state of complete drying, the time required for this different for each color. It is therefore necessary to closely follow the instructions on the package.

To paint you not to stain your hands or clothing, wear rubber gloves on his hands, and on the sleeves - plastic bags, which cut off the bottom.

If you have soiled his hands in water-based paint, they can wash the vinegar, oil paint can be washed, rubbed them with oil and washed with warm soapy water.

Ease of use, add grid, stretched on a frame size of 200x300, you want to put on a tray or clean bucket. This will allow more rapid pressing roller of excess paint to avoid any smudges. Instead, the grid can use a piece of roofing tin or steel with the steps of holes in it. During the draw roller staining on the grid so as to remove excess paint from him, and then proceed directly to the stain.

Whitewashing the ceiling

Can be used to wash spray, which causes a layer of thinly and evenly. You must first drain structure through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Throw shall not exceed 40-70 cm. When painting the ceiling to move the spray in a circular motion. It should not be long to keep spray in one spot, otherwise this site perenasytitsya paint. Saturated region is different in that shade of paint on it becomes glossy hue.

For aqueous compositions are particularly suitable electric or hand-held spray guns, and Guns.