Salting of fish

Salting of fish

Ha bottom dish pour a layer of salt. Fish densely stacked in a bowl, sprinkling it with salt profusely (the larger the salt - the better). On top we plot the wooden circle (you can dish) and top yoke - more fish, the heavier, but not less than 1 kg (suitable banks, filled with water). We put in a cool place.Ambassador to the brine.
Prepare brine - a strong brine. At home, the necessary density of brine easiest way to determine the dropping of a raw egg - it should float. Ha bottom dish pour a layer of salt, as the rest of the dry salting.

It is necessary to comment.

Salting fish is its dehydration and replacement of water in the tissues of salt. Therefore, the criterion of readiness can be considered a "tanning" of fish - it becomes hard and badly bent.
The process of dry-cured longer.
Ambassador of frozen fish is rather complicated, and thawing of the tissue structure is broken, so the frozen fish "takes" a lot of salt. So hard to catch the moment when the fish is salted, but not to overdo, as brine.
If the fish is oily, do not be afraid to overdo it - in the fatty tissues of water is very low, so a lot of salt fish does not "take." Oily fish can and store in a brine.If the fish is salted or smoked for withering, after salting it should otmochit within two to three hours, changing water frequently.
As an added bonus - Ambassador of the fish, as we now call it, "the Bulgarian", and our grandfathers called salamur.
Fish, preferably with firm flesh (hake, ice, perch, mackerel) in frozen cleanse the skin (so easily), remove the fillets. Do fish with delicate flesh (mackerel) fillet is better to remove the skin, pre-clearing of scales. Fillets cut into small pieces, about 40-50 grams. Onion cut into large half-rings, garlic, finely sechem (masher use would not advise). Add black pepper, salt and vinegar to taste, a little finely the broken bay leaves, sunflower oil nerafinirovanoe. Mix and put in the refrigerator overnight.
All the ingredients I used to put on your taste. Approximate guide: 2 kg of fish unprepared - 0.5 kg of onions, 3-4 large cloves garlic.

Herring Salted

Here's another recipe that we often do, taste -! You take a fresh-frozen herring, after thawing, cut the head off and throwing away the interior, put in an enamel container and pour brine: a liter of water - a glass of salt. Cover the lid so that the fish do not float. That's it! After 12 hours - done. The fish is taken out, cleaned, rezhesh to pieces in the bank, to the same onion, vegetable butter - well, not so long she would stay - Do not miss out!

Quick salting fish

For this recipe you will need:


Water - 1 / 2 l
large salt - 2 tablespoons
bay leaves - 2-3 pc.
black pepper (peas) - 10 pcs.
sugar - 1 / 2 tsp
dill - 2 pcs.

Get suitable for salting fish: large fish cut into pieces of a thickness of 1.5 - 2 cm, just fine gut, leaving the scales.

Boil brine, cool, then pour the fish to the top. Put the saucer on top, the fish remained completely covered with brine. After 4 hours, you can bring to the table or put in a refrigerator.

General recommendations

Salt - one of the most reliable, inexpensive natural preservatives. For salting only major use of salt.
The use of fine salt in all cases, salting is invalid because it prosola a profound effect not achieved. If you are bleak or dace solite, then use fine salt is permissible.
If salted party kilo bream, it is 100% will be forfeited. The fine salt as it envelops the fish meat, grease only the top quickly, subcutaneous layer. The fish is not completely dehydrated. The process of decay is not prevented.
The use of iodized salt is unacceptable: iodine burns the skin and subcutaneous layer of the fish carcass, while dramatically increasing its temperature, which leads to a rapid deterioration of the product.
The Ambassador is: wet, dry, rapid-ambassador, by thawing.
The problem boils down to the angler to place to find out what the ambassador he needs in a particular situation. Many anglers bring fish from fishing, taste leaves much to be desired. And the vague idea of ​​why it happened.
In practice, the following occurs: anglers forget that brining the fish dry ambassador lengthy process. They do not consider that in the initial stage of salting, when the salt is just beginning to absorb moisture, even gutted fish manages protuhnut and further salting becomes useless. The claim that fish are not spoiled, but only a "gamy", and this becomes more attractive - is profoundly mistaken.
Similarly, cooked fish leads to severe poisoning and sometimes death. Therefore, if the salting of fish produced in field conditions in the absence of salting-equipped for the place: a glacier, a refrigerator, a deep cellar, and the air temperature exceeds 25-28 ° C, only applies tuzluchny ambassador or rapid salting.
Spring, fall into the ground at a constant temperature of the air wet ambassador optional.
Tuzluchny (wet), AmbassadorNovice anglers often confused the wet and dry tuzluchny ambassador, in which by copious juice, a large number of brine. They are confusing, that in both cases it must be with brine. The difference is that the brine salting tuzluchnom prepares angler, and the fluid released by the fish, only increases the amount of the total weight of the brine and reduces its concentration.
In dry salting liquid released by pulling salt water and squeezing her oppression. Oppression accelerates the process of brining.
Brine is sealed at the bottom of tank, from which the brine rises. The brine can be drained or left in the tank. It all depends on pre-calculated concentration.
Wet-salted brine as well-suited package or bag made of durable polyethylene, whose height does not exceed 1 m. Otherwise, there is provided aeration of fish, which is reflected in its taste.
In some cases, enough to lay on the bottom of the hole a piece of thick polythene and has laid on him the fish.
The concentration of the brine in the brine for pickling a large batch of fish shall not be less than 2:1, ie, 2 kg of salt per 1 kg of fish. The insoluble salt concentration supports the brine.
Concentration in the brine should be maintained permanently darkened the brine is drained and replaced. After salting the fish party merges old salting necessary. When Zasole gutted fish to 0.5 kg weight of oppression does not play a special role - the fish grease in any case.
With a small party Zasole copies in excess of 0.8-1 kg weight of oppression must exceed the weight of fish in 1.2-1.5 times. Time of salting fish from 0.8-1 kg in the range 3-5 days. Small fish salted for 2-3 days.
For small fish brine made as follows: in 3 liters of water 1 kg of salt. The resulting solution is poured into a container packed fish.
Dry ambassador

In dry salting brine formed as prosalivaniya fish. In dry salting must use the yoke. Weight of oppression is selected on the basis that he should push the whole mass of the fish and squeeze the air out of it. When salting fifteen large bream weighing 15 kg in the tank made of stainless steel weight of oppression, lying on the stand must be at least 10 kg. At air temperatures above (20 ° C) fish necessarily eviscerate.
As mentioned earlier, dry Ambassador only applies when there is a place equipped for salting and air temperature at the point of salting does not exceed (20 ° C). In addition to the suction of each salt, a new series of gutted fish, the more copies of 0.8-1 kg of salt is rubbed by hand against the scales.
In a large portion of salt fish is laid under each gill cover and rip into his belly. In place of salting unacceptable direct sunlight.
Capacity of stainless steel and enamel ware can be used both in dry and wet salting. If the salting of fish produced in unsealed containers (in field conditions is acceptable) to the bottom of the basket or wooden box trail clean linen cloth or burlap. Prepared fish placed on it by dense rows (head to tail) belly up and pour salt.
The total consumption of salt - 2.5 kg to 10 kg of fish. On top of the fish is placed to bring down from the tree cover (stand) and her heavy burden. He, as already stated, it is necessary to remove air pockets and give the meat a higher density of fish. The resulting juice is derived from the gap between the bars of the basket or box boards.
In metal containers, he may be discharged through the top or through a special side openings, and can stay inside, it all depends on the concentration of salt.
In 5-10 days, fish grease. But if in stainless steel tank under the yoke weighing 5-7 kg at the same time more than 10-15 kg of salted shirokospinnoy oily fish (blue bream, bream, crucian carp, tench, carp), then part of the brine should merge.
If released fish juice blends, then to maintain the required concentration for 3-4 days should be added 1/16-1/8 weight of the initial amount of salt.
As already mentioned, is an ideal ambassador, if the fish is in a cool place (fridge, cellar, ice).

salting calves

Suitable for pickling eggs of almost all species of fish in Russia. The most valuable product is salmon roe (exception - char roe, which has high hardness and requires a special pre-treatment), and sturgeon.

Along the belly of the fish with a sharp knife make a neat incision. The task of the fisher does not damage the calves and prevent jaundice.

The calves are removed from the belly of the fish is separated from the intestines, release from the film (the pleura) and placed in a glass container.

Large ripe red caviar pour brine, cooked in a ratio of 120 g of salt per 150 g of boiling water, heated to a temperature (60-80 ° C). The mass is stirred gently, being careful not to damage the eggs.

There is another way of cooking eggs, most suitable for cyprinids (crucian carp, carp, bream). Caviar spread in an enamel bowl, poured salt (1 kg of eggs 130-140 g of salt and 4 tablespoons for large eggs, 5 - to fine-grained), heated to a temperature close to boiling, not giving a boil.

Small, and no mature eggs (pike, perch, Berchet, burbot, tench) without removing the film, spread in a colander and pour boiling water. 100 g of eggs 50 g of boiling water. Caviar becomes softer, and the film can be easily separated from the eggs. After heat treatment of eggs filled with saline solution, in the previously proportions.

Optionally, you can add ground black pepper (1 kg of caviar 3 pea).

There is another option for salting. The eggs are placed in a cheesecloth, pour the cold brine (2 tbsp. Spoons of salt per cup of water), kept for 20 minutes. Then back in the colander, then spread in a plate and remove the film. The eggs are kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Many believe that such an option salted, sweeter taste of caviar.

Caviar grease in a cold place at a temperature (2-8 ° C). The product is ready for use on 2-3 days of salting.

Eating eggs at an earlier stage of salting and without prior heat treatment leads to severe food poisoning

Flushing fish

External signs properly salted fish:
- Sunken eyes posvetlevshie;
- Pale fins and scales;
- A pleasant odor.
After salting the fish come off the remnants of the salt and washed in water. Next, you soak the fish in cold water, then hang in the shadow of the wind, large specimens - better head down. In this situation, the water flows out through the mouth, the fish faster and more evenly dried.
Pierce the fish near the tail is usually on a wooden board, then hung on hooks on a string. Drying process lasts from four to ten days, depending on the size of the fish and the weather conditions.
Weight of fish from 0.1 to 0.3 kg - prosolka 3 days, washed in running water - 0.5 hours in a barrel with removable water regularly - 1 hour.Weight of fish from 0.3 to 1 kg - prosolka 5 days, washed in running water - 0.5 hours in a barrel with removable water regularly - 1.5 hoursWeight of fish from 1 to 2 kg - prosolka 7 days, washed in running water - 1 hour in a barrel with removable water regularly - 1.5-2 hours.Weight 2-3.5 kg fish prosolka 8-10 days, washed in running water - 1.5 hours in a barrel with removable water regularly - 2 hours.

Read: Dried fish recipes