Russian Bath: brooms

Russian Bath: brooms
Custom walk in baths with a broom goes back to the birth of the baths in Russia. No wonder the popular wisdom says: "In the bath broom more money." Why are our ancestors as a reasonable attitude to the broom?

Pohlestyvanie broom body - a kind of massage that increases circulation and promotes a more intense perspiration and increased metabolism. The use of a broom helps to open skin pores and washing away of these various toxins and microbes. Effects on the skin substances in the leaves of the broom, it neutralizes the effect of various pathogens. Essential oils that get on your skin, improve metabolism, prevent premature skin aging.

However, besides the general beneficial effects on the human body, different brooms help fight a variety of ailments. So before you go to the bath, carefully pick up his broom to bath pastime was not only pleasant but also useful.

Our company carries out procurement and sale of bath brooms to traditional Russian baths. Here you can buy wholesale and retail: birch, oak, eucalyptus, juniper, maple, linden or rowanberry brooms. Professional bathers will appreciate the birch and oak twigs with the addition of herbs - mint, St. John's wort, willow tea, black currant, sage, tansy, oregano, nettle.

Harvesting is carried brooms to clean the ground, away from roads and railways, which contains no harmful products of industrial activities. All brooms bath is calibrated, the same size, clean and neat sheet.

Our brooms are dried in the traditional way - in the shade, in dry, well ventilated area. In the center of the bath broom are thick branches, which are the basis, and around them put on thin branches bending inwards - this broom dressing becomes thick and dense, it is well to steam.
 Birch broom
oak broom
Veniks Broom of Canadian oak