Diets for weight loss

Diets for weight loss

Weight loss diet sides, thighs and face, the secret of the ideal figure
Fashion magazines and the Internet just full of articles on a variety of ways to lose weight. Range of methods is extremely wide and starts from a well-founded (sports, moderate diet) until very ektsravagantnyh (in my mind the most "unusual" way was to infect the human intestinal worms).

Before taking any action, need to clearly define its purpose. For example drop a few pounds for the season to get into my favorite jeans well, etc. Set a goal to the real, 2-3 kg per month and no more. This is precisely the number of physiologically justified and will not harm your health. It should say at once that the composition of these kilograms is only neutral fat, which has the bad property, as to localize on our stomachs, hips and other body parts. Incidentally criteria - weight is not the most objective, because it is influenced by factors such as daily consumption of food, the intensity of physiological secretions, fluid and electrolyte balance. Much better to use a measuring tape, ie, determine the result not in kilograms, and the lost inches (waist, hips, well, or someone that you like).

The basic principle upon which the right weight loss is the excess calories expended over consumed. Thus there are two strategies: active and passive.

By the active strategy is a sport. The main requirement for the choice of sport is to perform aerobic exercise. Aerobic uprezhneniya - those in the course of which the pulse is increased by 2 times or more (the best is the load at which the pulse is 120-140 beats. Min.) Just ideal for jogging. In the first place does not require any cash outlay. Second, you can run almost anywhere.

Basic rules to be followed when jogging:

1. Select a special clothing for training. Best of all, if it is a tracksuit and krosovki:) The very fact that the clothing is to run - a good increase in motivation. Well, if you are for this case specifically bought a new suit, I can assure you that at least 5-7 days you will not have to invent anything to make yourself work out.
2. Determine for yourself a fixed time in which you engage. Morning or evening. I like running around in the evening.
3. The most important rule - systematic training. Failure to observe this rule, and run only on the mood, the result will simply be zero.
4. Immediately arrange for a multi-kilometer races are not only difficult, but still bad (can bring the whole mood for no). In the first terenirovke need to determine the initial distance. The best option is the distance of 1 km. And then at each subsequent workout to add to 200m.

By passive diet otnsitsya course diet.

The basic principle of any diet coincides with the principle of weight loss, ie energy expended exceed obtained. But do not indulge in stooit extremes. For your information a normal person should get Kkall 1700 per day. For the calories are: 150 g protein, 100 g fat, 500 grams of carbohydrates. From this we can conclude that there can be any length to just fit into this standard.

Undoubtedly, the best and quickest effect is achieved by combining active and passive strategies.

PS SYSTEMATICS-success. If you follow these principles, the result will not be long in coming and will be visible already in just 2 weeks.

Diet Angel

The duration of the diet for 13 days. By the end of 13 days you lose weight by 7-8 kg. On the 14th day can eat whatever you want, but in moderation. This diet will change your metabolism. You will not be for three years to recover. During the diet must do exercises and massage.


black coffee without sugar.


2 eggs, 1 tomato and green salad.


great steak, fried under pressure in a small amount of vegetable oil.



black coffee without sugar with toast.


great steak, fried oil with green salad and tomato.


portion of soup.



black coffee without sugar with toast.


great steak, fried oil with green salad.


2 eggs with 2 slices lean ham.



black coffee without sugar with toast.


1 egg, 1 carrot, cheese.


fruit salad, a cup of yogurt.



grated carrots with lemon.


portion of fish, fried under pressure and tomato.


great steak, fried oil with green salad.



black coffee without sugar with toast.


portion of chicken, fried without fat green salad.


great steak, green salad.



tea without sugar.


pork or other meat on skewers, green salad.


what you want, but moderately!

only water (plain or mineral). Carrots can be replaced with a tomato and vice versa.

Pineapple diet

This diet is for people who financially secure. Pineapples contain enzymes that in turn are struggling with intense accumulations of fat. You need to bring two kilos of pineapple and a liter of pineapple juice with no sugar. Pineapple cut into slices and divide into four portions - breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. During the day, drink a liter of pineapple juice. Nothing else to eat or drink. Arrange themselves two days a week unloading.

If such a diet seems too hungry, you eat during the day even 100gr. low fat cottage cheese, 100 gr. poultry or lean meat, a little rye bread. During the two days lost two kilos without damage to health.

Aromatic diet against overweight

To eat less, breathe throughout the day pleasant, neutral, food flavorings - for example, vanilla, green apple, cinnamon.

To eat less at your next meal, smelled before and during the meal.

In order not to overeat in the evening, during the day do not miss meals, and in the evening to "feed" smells. The fact is that by the end of the day of the consciousness of a rational "falls asleep", "works" only emotional. So she forces us to overeat without even realizing it the report. Smells suppress appetite, because they operate directly on the emotional parts of the brain.

Technique inhalation: Hold one nostril and take three deep breaths another, then switch nostrils and repeat the same thing.

"Aromatic slimming" suitable inhalers, herbs, spices and aromatic extracts.

Keep the inhaler on hand, in the immediate vicinity. When the arm is once again reach for a sandwich or chocolate bars, even stumble on the inhaler.

With a large excess weight and exorbitant appetite smelled as often as necessary. In the first phase of "treatment" - up to 300 times a day.

Often change the smells - addictive reduces the effectiveness of the method.

To better deal with their eating habits, keep a diary.

Enjoy the natural scents of a meal. Eat hot: the hot dishes, especially sauces and soups, the flavor is stronger.

Diet rich in fiber.

Diet rich in fiber, has become famous in the eighties, when she literally conquered Britain by storm. Two basic rules of high-fiber diets cut calories and increase the daily intake of food rich in fiber. There are many low-calorie foods, which a lot of fiber, so that losing weight is to choose from. Usually these products are well filled stomach, drowning feeling of hunger. Fiber is found in cereals, fruits and vegetables, with a small amount of food easily fills the stomach, causing weight loss is more rapid. Rich in fiber diet accelerates the selection of slag products from the gut, thus preventing constipation and a variety of gastrointestinal diseases. Fiber also because weight loss is that it, unlike other products that are not fully digested. They say that in this case, the body absorbs fewer calories, which causes him to turn in search of its own reserves of energy to fat.

A typical menu for a day


Plate dry cereal with a banana and a little milk in bold.


Soup made of vegetables with chick peas and rye bagel. If you want something sweet, then dried apricots at your service: it is very rich in fat and sweet.


Lamb chops with new potatoes, beans and tomatoes in oil.


Food with high fiber cleanses the body and prevents constipation, speeding up the process of removing toxins.

Diet differs from other so that the members of her products are very bulky and fill the stomach, causing a feeling of hunger disappears.

Diet friendly, flexible and inexpensive


Large amount of fiber can cause unusual for her people gassy.

If you have fiber in the form of bran cereal or neobrushennyh, it decreases the body's ability to absorb minerals and vitamins, taken shortly before or shortly after. In this respect, bread from wheat flour is best, it has no such influence.

The question is not simply to eat fiber-rich foods. Some, such as nuts, dried apricots and avocados are also very high in calories, but do contain plenty of fiber. So, if you want to lose weight, will be considered and calories.

Eastern diet

Among the many diets to lose weight best suited to the average European living conditions is the so-called "Oriental diet", designed for 10 days. Number of drinking it is not restricted, and in strict compliance with the diet a person loses weight to 4 lbs. After 3 - 4 months a diet can be repeated.

With any diet for weight loss should always remember to use a sufficient amount of protein, which is depressing lack of effect on all bodily functions and affects mood. On the day requires a minimum of 250 - 300 grams of protein.

8:00 - a cup of coffee or tea with a piece of sugar;

11:00 - hard-boiled egg and prune 8 pieces dried or fresh plums, depending on the season;

14 hours - 200 grams of cooked lean meat (you can sometimes replace it with milk sausages) and 100 g garnish of cabbage or carrot (preferably fresh), an apple or orange;

17 hours - 30 g of cheese, an orange or an apple;

20 hours - a glass of yogurt or buttermilk
See also: Grapefruit Diet
Diet for weight loss, buckwheat
Diet for weight loss - "Stone Age Diet"
Kefir diet.
Malosolevaya diet
Milk diet
Diet for fasting days with carrots
Rice Diet for weight loss
Fish diet
Herbal diet for weight loss
The traditional diet
The three-day dietDiet with tomato juice.